Mama Drama Rule #29: When you’re in need of encouragement, rest, comfort, or security, make sure you run the Right Way! God is waiting there with His arms open wide.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Where Do You Run?
Mama Drama Rule #29: When you’re in need of encouragement, rest, comfort, or security, make sure you run the Right Way! God is waiting there with His arms open wide.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A Snapshot of Perfection is Only That!
I was just visiting one of my favorite blogs, Melissa Hester. She is one of my heroes and my version of a Christian/Martha Stuart/Paula Dean/supermom...did you get all of the slashes??? She is a combination of all that and more. As I was reading one of her comments that a reader had left, it really hurt my heart for that reader. She said something to the effect of...I wish I had a family like that. It's "flawless & perfect"...I "long for a life like that"...
Well, we all LONG for a life that is flawless and perfect, but that's not found in this earthly world of ours. Our "perfect" will be heaven. I believe that the author of this particular blog would even be one of the first people to tell looks perfect in a snapshot. She works to add pieces of perfection to her world and the world of her kids by adding "loveliness" as she calls it, but it still isn't always perfect and how you plan for it to go. She shares with us ways to make it memorable and special...not perfect and flawless. I try to work toward the same goals. I often "steal" a lot of ideas that she shares and our lives are enriched because of it!
I think planning for perfection is the wrong route to go. The imperfections and flawlessness is what makes it even more special! Plan for a memory. Work out of love. Live for the moment rather than living for what you want. All of those wonderful cliche's work so well! When our friends and families and even some of us are being so effected by the economy and the sadness of the world, it is our opportunity to share some of our Christian love in whatever ways we can. If that is baking cookies, bake cookies. If that is sending a note, send a note. If that is being a mom with a positive heart, be positive. If it is being a supportive and smiling wife, smile and support! When you look at the snapshots of another families' "perfect" life or even "over the fence" at the neighbor's "perfect" life, remember you don't see it all...and their life is not perfect's filled with as much mama drama as we have in our lives!
Mama Drama Rule #28: Remember, don't compare yourself to your neighbor. Their yard may only look better because they fertilize it with... a lot of...poop* (*I altered the last word, but feel free to add your own!) Focus on your own "yard" and work for it to be as wonderful and special as you can...not as perfect as you can!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Oh the Drama of Red Balloons on a Rainy Day
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Project: Cute Halloween Shirt
My "to do" List is All WRONG!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
An Extra Special Dinner! A Wiggle Party

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Making Summer Memories
When I ran over there with my camera, they stopped real fast like they were little kids in trouble! I had to tell them to do it again so I could catch it on camera. LaLa got off and couldn't walk straight! Silly, silly!
Our Memorable Summer Moments 2009...
according to my little family:
1. Cutting the Grass with Daddy and Gumpy
2. Our Vegetable Garden
3. Going and Cheering for Daddy in his Triathlons
4. Beach Trips!
5. Little Bit starting to walk & her big Birthday!
6. LaLa's Soccer Games
7. Grilling out & eating outside
8. Fireworks & Fun on the Fourth
9. Bubbles & Chalk Hopscotch with Nana & Daddy Gene
10. Going on walks & "nature hunts" with Mama
11. Going on "trips" with MiMi shopping & to the park
12. Playing Games with Aunt J
Mama Drama Rule #25: There is nothing like a child's laughter to brighten your day! When you get crazy and frustrated, stop, take a break, and get on the floor with your little one. Tickle them and make silly faces until they do that great big belly laugh! It will surely make you forget your frustrations!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Project: Embroidery Stuff for Baby!
I've tried to get creative with baby gifts lately! I love to get unique stuff so I thought I would try to the same for these wonderful friends of ours in celebration of their new baby boys! I made these today for baby Preston. It was so much fun, and I was so happy with them! I'll include baby Samuel's sometime soon too! He has two older brothers already so I am sure they have plenty of little boy stuff so I am going to try to be really creative for him...something unique since he's the third!
See examples in pictures...
Let me know if you have any ideas! I'll be glad to help you create a baby gift or cute stuff for your own little one!
Forgive and Forget- the Love of a Child!
I couldn't have been prouder, and I realized there a lot of little opportunities where I could be doing the same thing! At my daughter's birthday party, one of the girls received a green ball. Later, when another child started playing with it, LaLa just had a melt down. Now, I know she hadn't fallen desperately in love with this little green ball so quickly, but she was seriously upset with this little boy! In her little mind, this little boy had violated some sort of kid code by playing with her new green ball.
She eventually calmed down and became distracted by something else! Days later, my daughter was still talking about this little boy. She asked, "Can he come over and play? Can I write him a letter? Where does he live?" The questions just continued. I was thinking, What is her obsession with this little boy?! A friend of mine pointed out how funny it is that she had become so attached to this particular child after she was so upset about this incident at the party!
Kids forget and forgive. They take each other openly and honestly without any barriers. When they don't like something, you better believe they'll let you know! When they do like it, they tell you that too! I want a friend like that! Actually, I am blessed to have a few like that, but I really want to be like that...and wouldn't mind if all my friends were like that! (Colossians 3:13-14)
Mama Drama Rule #24: Show the same unconditional love that small children show to each other by focusing on what people do right rather all the little things they do wrong!
Coupon Update- I am still collecting, filing, and organizing coupons from the smart saver, red plum, sunday papers, and anywhere else I can find them! Hopefully, when I get a good solid collection, I will be ready to go! I'm still diving into and coupon blogs! I'll keep you posted! I have discovered the penny mystery item at publix...can't go wrong there!:)
Project Update- About to post baby projects that I've been working on! I have a dozen projects buzzing in my head this week! I saw so many neat little things in Florida that I actually started making a list of things I wanted to try to make or copy!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
You can learn a lot about life from a triathlon!
I observed ten items from the triathlon that I believe us mamas can completely learn and associate with...
1. We often get "stung" by jellyfish and other creatures along the way that try to get us off our course. You have to just push them off, yell out at the sting, and keep least until your feet touch again!
2. We can be the most anxious before we even start a daunting task! Starting is usually the hardest, just remember to jump in, get your feet wet, and give it a good, dedicated try! You might be surprised at the results!
3. Utilize the people in our lives that are supporting us, cheering us on, giving us water to get through, or even spraying us with vinegar. We hear enough critiques in this world about what we are not doing and should be doing! Focus on the supporters!
4. Be a supporter! There are people out there with your same goals. They are running the race beside you. If we are one of the ones supporting and encouraging, you'll be amazed at how it will come back to you when you really need it!
5. Transition time is vital! We mamas know this first hand! Everything has to have a place and get put back in its place to eliminate serious time wasters! It's easier said than done, but it's every mamas goal!
6. Enjoy the moment because it will be over as fast as it started! As Hubby was riding his bike, he told us it was just incredible--the views, the excitement, the other racers. It would have been easy to dismiss these thoughts because he was so focused on finishing, but I think reflecting and enjoying these moments made it even more memorable! How often I do that as a mama?! I'm so focused on getting to practices and games that I miss the moments of my LaLa playing soccer and being a team! I'm so focused on Little Bit climbing into everything that I miss enjoying her inquisitive nature and the sneaky smile she sends me before she does it!
7. Some of these athletes' equipment was unbelievable, as well as their bodies! As you look around, you may notice people that look a little more equipped or better at the job. Don't let it intimidate you! You just do the best you can and keep training until you get better and better!
8. Keep hydrated! I would see all the athletes drinking bottles and bottles of water and eating these power bars. If I run myself too thin, I am not staying hydrated. Or, if I lose focus and my walk with God becomes on the back burner, I can feel myself getting dehydrated. Or, if Hubby and I are going to different directions, I can feel our relationship getting dehydrated. We have to focus some time on each other and re-communicate, and then we feel hydrated again.
9. Focus on the finish line. You can't get anywhere without a mission or a goal. I love the mamas that make a mission statement for their family. It seems like it would keep you focused! I love the concept of finish lines too! It makes me think of us being in this world working toward the race to our "heavenly" finish line...crossing it and God cheering for us...high fives and all!
10. CELEBRATE! This is my favorite! When you, your children, your hubby, or someone you love has accomplishments, tries a new adventure, or has done a good job, it's time to celebrate! The triathlon hosted a catered lunch that was amazing, live bands, free drinks, etc. They wanted the athletes and their families to be proud and relish in the experience. After, Robert and I went to lay by the pool. Celebrate!
I think it is the first time in over three years (since my three year old was born!) that I have had the opportunity to relax by the pool! I read, enjoyed the music, and treasured the time with Robert...which fell asleep by the pool after all he did! After several hours, we took naps, got dressed and went out to the Baytown Wharf. We had an incredible dinner with some friends and had to snatch our girls some treasures to bring back. Everything we saw or did, we both commented, "oh, our girls would like that!"
As we are packing up today and cleaning the condo, we are anxious to make the long drive and see our girls. We have random lists coming in our heads of all the activities and to do's of the reality starts to set in. We are trying to soak up being able to leisurely walk around, the peace and the quiet, and God's majestic ocean. We both feel rejuvenated, closer, proud of this accomplishment, and able to go back home and be even better parents!
Mama Drama Rule #23: You treasure your life and your children more...when you have a little bit of time to spend away from them!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Crazy or Committed?
Just a quick post for today! We're enjoying our time in Florida and praying for Robert's big triathlon tomorrow. He has to be up in the morning bright and early! The triathlon involves .5 mile the ocean...and 20 mile bike and 4 mile run. Let me point out that the weather has been kind of wild lately due to tropical storms. Right now, you look out on the beach at a yellow flag. For someone that is a great swimmer, but not a regular swimmer in the ocean, this can be an even bigger challenge! Now, I can't figure out why anyone in their right mind would voluntarily want to do something like this, but he has trained for an entire year to accomplish this feat. I'll be cheering him on in the morning...praying he doesn't drown or get eaten by anything in the ocean...and crosses the finish line alive and well! So, Crazy or Committed? We'll just have to see! Good luck, Hubby!
Mama Drama Rule #22: If we have to decide if what we are doing is crazy or committed, we might need to consider if we should be committed because we are crazy!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A Sincere Thank YOU!
LaLa has completed her very first soccer season. The teams are having a celebration Friday evening. Each child will receive a soccer trophy from the church's recreation league. Then, they continue to have a team celebration with pizza and cupcakes. The parents all went in together to present the children with gifts and the coach a gift. Can you imagine coaching eight little 3-5 year old children on how to master the concept of soccer?! He did a marvelous job with his encouragement and patience. Each child enjoyed himself and felt an included part of the team.
I ordered little cinch sport style back packs and embroidered the kids' names on them. They were from Oriental Trading Company, and they turned out really cute and sturdy, especially for the price! Then, I added little soccer whistles...making the grand total for the kids' gifts 25 dollars-a little more than 3 dollars per child. Then, Charlotte and I went on a hunt to find wonderful little "movie" items to add to his soccer bucket and his movie theater gift card. A mother of one of the children on the team is also adding a certificate for a free house cleaning from her business! I hope this coach really enjoys his gifts, and he knows that he made a positive difference in our children's lives!
Have you ever heard the statement, "It takes a village to raise a child"? Well, I have found in my three and a half years of being a mama that it is definitely a true statement! So many individuals impact the lives of our children. It is a huge responsibility as mamas to ensure that these individuals are impacting them in a positive way, and when we are blessed to have someone take their time and love to impact our children, we definitely need to let them know how much we appreciate it!
Concentrate on making your village a place of security and individuals that love and cherish your children! It is easy to take on that "super" mama role and try to do it all on your own. It's a lonely route! When I first became a mama, I thought a mama was suppose to be able to do everything for her child. I slowly realized the hard way that God designed raising a child to be a group effort! Of course, you have the biggest impact and responsibility, but treasure and utilize all the others that are a part of that village! Many of them have something valuable to share with your child(ren)!
Mama Drama Rule # 21: Consider the teachers, the lunchroom workers, grandparents, friends, relatives, church workers, etc. that make up our VILLAGE. Thank God for them, and remember to tell them thank you! They are impacting the most important and impressionable people we have in our lives--our children!
Bring home the bacon! My first coupon experience!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Coupons, coupons, coupons
I guess I have been talking quite a lot about this without realizing it! I picked LaLa up from preschool today and told her that we had to run by the store because we were making her soccer coach a special gift from the team for the soccer celebration Friday. She said, "oh, mama, i will probably need a toy too, but I forgot my coupon at home!" I couldn't help but laugh...and totally got suckered into letting her get a toy at the dollar store...without the non-existing coupon!
A new friend is helping me with my coupon obsession, and I am going to take a class soon! Coupon classes, who knew?! I'm so overwhelmed by the entire concept, but I'm determined and inspired so I'll keep you posted! I heard today how to get free bacon from Publix. We'll see if it works! One website that the friend told me about is It's a little intimidating so you may need to do like I am and spend some time exploring when the little ones are in bed! Good Luck!
This is just part of the latest of this mama's drama! My hubby and I are also leaving our two sweet girls for four days with my parents while my hubby is in a triathlon in Florida! It's one of the first times we have left them both, and I am a nervous, nervous mama! I'll keep you posted...I know, I know, we mamas are desperate for a break and dream of a vacation...and then we get crazy nervous when we actually get one!
Mama Drama Rule #20- Always save money in areas that you can. A little effort to save money is totally worth it because money saved in one area is more money that can be spent by mama in another area!
Love Letters
I finished my LOVE letter to my girls! By the way, I know you can see their real names! I don't mind sharing their names...I just include their nicknames in the blog so they can't one day GOOGLE themselves and find it...or their friends! I save everything...including things I write about them to give day!
LaLa asked me to read hers. I got to about #23 and she said, "okay, i just have so much to love. i need some chocolate milk now!" Everybody needs to hear that they have things to love about them!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A NOTEworthy Expression of Love
My other grandmother used to give me books and would always include a letter or note. Now, that she has passed away, I will often accidently come across a book or cookbook and read her letters. It is almost like she is still here. They are precious treasures that I am so glad she took the time to include. Between these written words that my grandmothers made a priority to bless me with, they have made me feel loved even when miles and years have separated us.
It’s so exciting to receive a letter in the mail! It breaks the monotony of the usual contents within the mailbox including bills, junk mail, sales ads, magazines, and such. There is just something about a handwritten letter, note, or card. You know there was an effort that went behind it. Honestly, I usually feel guilty when I receive one! In all honesty, it’s rather difficult to take the time to purchase a card or put the thought into writing a letter. However, that is the treasured part of the letter—the thought put behind it! I often have very good intentions of writing a letter or sending a card. Unfortunately, at times, I will buy the card or write the letter and never send it…the brain lapses that come with “mamahood”! If it means so much to me though, it would definitely mean something to my loved ones. Thus, it is something I should work on doing more frequently and consistently!
Let’s see…how many ways are you “connected” to people. Off the top of my head, I came up with facebook, MySpace, twitter, blogs, emails, texts, phone calls, mail, cell phones, etc... Now, consider, which one you use the least? It is probably the one that means the most. Reflect on how much correspondence that you save from the others? Letters, cards, and notes are probably the ones that are treasured by the most of us. In today’s world, we are used to things being quick, easy, and almost effortless. What did we do before cell phones, email, and televisions? We had no choice but connect to people!
My husband once gave me a wonderful Christmas present—100 things he loves about me. Now, he hates to write anything. My birthday and anniversary cards usually have a couple words and his signature so this particular gift was even more of a treasure. We could learn a lot from my grandmothers! The effort behind the action is what demonstrates the love, and that’s what is treasured and will always be treasured.
I encourage you to sit down and take the time to pour out a sincere letter or card to three people. Most importantly, I’ll remind you not to follow my example and never mail them! Let the people that you care about know that you care about them by writing it down and taking the time and effort. One day, this may give them a sweet memory of how much you cared about them.
Speaking of that, I have thank you notes that I should have mailed out….in JULY!
Mama Drama Rule #19-Make a point to leave a “written” trail of love that can be treasured by those you love!
Project- I am “stealing” my hubby’s great idea and writing my girls both a letter of 100 things I love about them! I want them to know that there are so many things I loved about them…even at their young ages of 1 and 3! I’ll add the pictures as soon as I finish!
Monday, August 17, 2009
It's Been My Pleasure Serving You...
We have a restaurant in Georgia called Chick-fil-a. I'm stating this fact because someone actually asked me what it was when I wrote it in a past posting. If you do not know what it is, I encourage you to stop by one day and try it out! I, personally, can't imagine what someone would do without a Chick-fil-a! It was founded by a man named Truett Cathy on Christian principles. Now, locally, we have chick-fil-as and Truetts. They are both the same concept and the same franchise. I believe one of their "trademarks" is the statement, "It's my pleasure or it's been my pleasure serving you." Their employees respond with this statement consistently. My daughter, LaLa was given one of their "hats" today at the restaurant. For the rest of the day, she would "cook" for me and say, "It was my pleasure, mama" as she would give me the "food".
That statement made me think. What an awesome attitude for a company to have as they "serve" their customers! often do I say that when I am "serving" my family as wife or mama? Honestly, if I truly thought about it, I probably say that or give off that attitude for strangers and people outside of my family more than for my own little crew! I think a lot of it has to do with 'recognition' of the action or task that you are doing for someone. If I volunteer in the community or at church, I often get sincere appreciation or some acknowledgement that I served. I quickly reply with a genuine attitude of "it's been my pleasure...". However, as a mama, we are rarely acknowledged or appreciated. It can be a job that is often unrecognized and completely thankless at times.
If you are a stay at home mom, a great example of this is the attitude given when people ask your occupation. They will often consider that being a mama is not a job at all or say, "oh, you just stay at home." Control your need to cause them bodily harm. More than likely, they wouldn't be able to walk a day in your shoes. Regardless, if you work or stay at home as a mama, very few people know what all you do and how much you do except for YOU! Although usually as mamas, we find our appreciation in the little things our children do--a hug, a smile, a kind act, or a special drawing. Little ones...and even teenagers.. can rarely verbalize or understand what all you are doing as a mama. One day, when they have kids of their own, they will realize it. That's when you can genuinely reply, "It was my pleasure."
For now, we have a huge responsibility each day as mamas. We are molding and shaping the lives of little people. They need us...even when they think they don't. And, rarely, does the job of mama end when they're 18. It is a job that is never ending and often unappreciated, but it is a job that we should be thankful for and dedicated to. So, when I'm up at three in the morning with one of the girls or shuttling them to an activity or making them a meal, I may not get a thank you, but rather than wait for the acknowledgement and appreciation, I am going to try my best to remember to genuinely say and feel, "It's been my pleasure serving you."
--Thank you Chick-fil-a for setting such an example!
Mama Drama Rule #18- A mama's job is one of complete servitude. Our children are made up of all the small contributions that we invest into them day after day and minute after minute. Make sure they know you enjoy and treasure the job like no other!
Monogram Madness! Give a Bag some Personality! Embroider it!
Remember, I said I was "bag" crazy lately! It all started with LaLa's "soccer celebration". I went on a search for sporty (cheap) (but still sturdy) bags that I could embroider for the soccer team, "The Sizzles". I ordered them, and I'm hoping they will be in today or tomorrow! I also ordered little trick or treat bags for LaLa's preschool class to embroider (and extras if you want one!). This mama is seriously planning ahead! I just love the fall and all the holidays so it's more getting excited than planning ahead!
LaLa came up to me yesterday with her little ballet bag, and said, "Mama, wouldn't this just be beautiful with my name on it?" I've created a little mini monogram monster! Also, if you find a bag you want embroidered, I can usually do it for $5-7 according to the size, material, and name! The pink and green bag is stephen joseph's quilted bags. I just did two of these. One was for my Little Bit and one was for a friend! They are expensive little bags (25-30 a piece), but they last forever and you can throw them in the washing machine!
Then, I found these cute bags the other day. (bags with bow and mini backpacks) Now, these are not sturdy bags. Imagine the "going green" kind of material from the grocery store bags. They are great, though, for little ones to take to nursery or restaurant toys, going on a trip to grandma's, etc.. I also made one for our "library books" to return to hang on the hook by the door. This way library books go right back in the bag. We just grab it on the way out instead of searching for them when they're due! It looks nice and organized too!
I'm only selling these for $6.00 (for a letter or monogram) and $7.00 (for a name). I have been using these for "gift bags". I'm working on one now for a sweet girl at church that's expecting. I'm putting the baby's name on the bag and filling it with "baby stuff". Cute and personal...and so far...the gift is less than $20! I'll post a pic when I'm all done!
I found this cute blog the other day called southern charm. The author said one true southern tradition is to put our monogram on everything! Well, I guess my girls and I are really, really southern!:)
Happy Monday!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Tonight, we did a "puppet" show to visually show the little people what sin is. The puppets did sinful actions (wouldn't share, didn't obey, wasn't kind, etc). Whenever the puppets would "sin", one of the kids would mark on their cut out hearts with chalk to show that sin makes our heart yucky. Then, to represent Jesus dying on the cross and paying the price for our sins, the kids erased the chalk from their hearts. I really thought the kids were getting the concept and into the lesson. I was thinking..."Yeah! "They understand the concept." It's a difficult lesson for adults much less little ones.
Just when we thought the kids were really getting it, one child told me that Jesus didn't need to die on the cross for her sins because she doesn't sin. She said, "I don't sin that hurts Jesus. I'm perfect. My daddy told me so." Yep, that was my daughter. Thanks Robert! I'll let him explain that one.
Mama Drama Rule #18: Be careful what you tell your children! They take you very seriously!
Project coming soon! I have gone "bag" crazy lately. I found cute, reasonable bags at Big Lots and Hobby Lobby! They are clearing them out before seasonal changes! They are perfect for embroidery! These are great for church nursery or to make cute gift sets in! I also spent A LOT of time at Hobby Lobby Saturday buying seasonal fabric! I'm so excited to do sewing and embroidery projects for the fall!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Is There an Echo in Here?
Periodically, we have movie night. We make it a really big deal! We make popcorn, eat dinner on blankets in the living room…in our jammies…and settle in for a movie. It’s one of our loved traditions. Tonight, it was Kung Fu Panda. My daughter gets very excited about movie night. After school today, we went to pick up our movie night supplies. We went in Kroger (they have dollar movies) to choose our movie. My kiddos were touching the touch screen just as I would make some progress on the machine. Frustrated, I put Little Bit down and tried to block her in with my legs spread cowboy style while she and LaLa pointed at pictures and letters on the machine. (I’m sure it all looked quite entertaining.) Well, I was just about finished, and LaLa yells “PeeeeeePeeeeeee” ! “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEmergencY!” Now, I know that it rarely an actual emergency with LaLa, and I was almost done with this machine so I told LaLa just to hold it for a few more seconds. Please know that there were people waiting behind us too.
As soon as you tell a three year old to “hold” it, they literally grab themselves and HOLD it! I’ve explained that this is not necessary, and obviously, she took none of it to heart! I tried to ignore it as she continuously grabbed herself chanting “peeee peeee, peeeee peeeee, peeeee peeee.” Next thing I know, Little Bit grabs herself (like her big sister) and starts doing the same pee dance yelling “EEEEEE EEEE, EEEEE, EEEEE”. I even had to stop for a moment because this was new for my one year old and quite funny….for a second. You could tell the people that had kids from the people that didn’t. I had looks from what is wrong with your kids to pure pity to genuine amusement! Finally, I scanned my card, grabbed our movies, and my little echoes and we all ran for the potty. One simple task turned out to be quite an ordeal, but we survived and accomplished our mission!
My kids have picked up on this concept of echoing quite innocently, but if you think about it, we do this as adults quite often unintentionally. We tend to “echo” who we spend our time around. If they are positive and uplifting, then, usually, we are too. If they have positive habits, then we will more than likely pick up on those same habits. We are almost unconsciously “inspired”…by others, but the same thing can be said for the opposite spectrum of that. Negative behaviors tend to echo negative associations. If you think about it, we have all been on that “negative” side. How many times have we mamas been in a bad mood or stressed and it becomes contagious? It creates an echo effect!
A Chinese Proverb says, “A bad word whispered will echo a hundred miles”. If you replace “word” with “deed” or “attitude” or “mood” or any of the such, the same truth is still evident. I have to be even extra cautious lately because I could become “echoed” at any moment. What about all the times that I am echoed and don’t even realize it? Could it be the time I gossiped? Could it be the time I lost my patience with my kids, my husband, or the cell phone lady that didn’t know what she was doing? Could it be the time that I missed an opportunity to say I love you or thank you? I usually don’t even realize who my echo touches.
Mama Drama Rule #17: In everything you say and in everything you do, imagine you are being echoed loudly by your loved ones….would you be saying and doing the same things? If not, watch out for that echo. Its reach is farther than you may think.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
You are my Sunshine..or "SONshine"...
A couple weeks ago, my kids and I were doing our grocery shopping. I was very frustrated with the long lines and my kiddos refusing to stay in the buggy and touching EVERYTHING. LaLa turned to me and said, “Mama, are you shining?” Looking down at my shirt and wiping my face…thinking I must have a sticker or something on me to ensue this question, I said, “Am I shining where, LaLa?” She said, “Mama, we’re suppose to shine for Jesus all the time.” Hmmm…good point, LaLa, and good accountability, huh? My guess this was recently a topic in Sunday School or Children’s Church. It definitely stuck with her!
She has consistently asked me the same question over the last couple weeks. It seems every time I get frustrated…there is LaLa to ask me the same question, “Mama, are you shining for Jesus?”Today, I asked her how she is shining. She responded, “Well, today, I shined for Jesus every time I smiled.” Wow, I think Jesus is trying to tell me something lately! I could do a lot more smiling and a lot more shining.
“Let your light shine in front of others. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Mama Drama Rule # 16: The truth can come to you in all different ways…just be careful to really listen for it…even when it is annoying!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Desperate Times calls for Desperate Measures
You may have noticed that my child today had an odd scent that followed her. Well, you see, it can be easily explained. Although you just saw my beautiful little girl as she walked in with her two pigtails placed just right with precious white ribbon and her uniform pressed just so and that huge grin when she walked in your door, there was a great deal more that occurred this morning.
We have been very diligent about laying out her uniform together the night before and establishing a positive morning know just the way we are supposed to. Well, things were going just fine this morning. I fixed her hair. I put on her navy knee high socks. I started to put on her little white peter pan shirt, and that's where it stopped. She started squirming and whining saying, "it's too itchy." I explained, "LaLa, this is the same shirt you wore last Wednesday. It is not itchy." Well, I thought surely she would eventually finish getting dressed. Nope, she stayed in her pigtails, Dora panties, navy knee highs, and white shoes. We ate breakfast, checked her backpack, got in the car (I'm serious). By this point, I'm really starting to sweat it. I am going into an all out battle in the parking lot or worse...take her in half naked (I wouldn't really do this, but it did pass through my mind).
I tried to prep her the entire 25 minute drive. "LaLa, you don't want to miss out on preschool." "LaLa, you don't want to go in without your clothes on"--which she responded, "Oh, I don't mind, mommy". We got to school, and this mama was still playing it cool. It was like a game of chicken waiting to see who was going to give in first. I unbuckled her sister's carseat, got my umbrella ready, and went to get LaLa out of the car...still half naked." She found a box of Bounce dryer sheets that I had just bought the day before and had somehow (by the Grace of God) fallen out of the bags in unloading the car. She said, "Mama, what's this?" I said, "Oh, LaLa, these are magic smelly sheets that make you run fast and take the itchiness out of your clothes. You just rub it all over."
So, you see, teacher, it was desperate measures and a last minute stroke of genius. She took out a dryer sheet and rubbed it all over her body. I dressed her there in the car outside of the school building. She, then, rubbed that dryer sheet all over her clothes. Then, with a great smile, she said, "Mama, I had better put this in a safe place so I know I have it if I get itchy again. That way I don't have to get naked at school." Then, she shoved it right down her shirt.
I know, teacher, that she smells mighty strong, but there was no other way really. I hope you won't mind. I know after I walked her in, received a great big hug and kiss, and a quick wave bye and climbed in my car, I could still smell that smell. Victory and Bounce "outdoor fresh" sheets had never smelled so sweet...or made me smile so big.
Thank you for your understanding,
A sincere and desperate mama!
Mama Drama Rule #15: When you get in a desperate situation with your kiddos, be creative...sometimes that's the only thing that will work!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Do you like your husband?
on most days, my answer would invariably change two to three times. Do I like him? Hmmm…you mean on a regular basis or this second? Do I love him? Always. Like and love are two very different things. I call him a groundhog baby for multiple reasons. First, he was born on groundhog’s day. Second, the groundhog either sees his shadow or doesn’t…one extreme or the other. Well, that’s my hubby. He is either wonderfully happy or not so pleasant to be around (I’m trying to be nice!)…He is either completely obsessed with working out (he has been training for triathlons for the last year…I know, crazy) or not working out at all (He just decided one day last August that he was going to be in triathlons. I laughed. He has always been fit, but as I had babies, he had enjoyed the pregnancy cravings right along with me. Well, for the last year, he has gotten up at 4 or 4:30 am and gone to work out. Then, sometimes, he even works out again at night, and I’m not talking working out like a normal person. He swims over .5 mile…bikes over 20 miles…and runs over 5 miles regularly. Plus, he has lost over 20 lbs. with his obsession. I get winded going to the mailbox. Seriously, I like to do the “fun” working out, but I am sporadic and…um, well, normal. He went from one extreme to the other.
So, my groundhog hubby has his very likeable moments to his “now, what was I thinking when I married him” moments probably like the rest of his. His tendencies just seem more extreme than most. Now, when you mix kids, jobs, and responsibilities in the mix…an explosion is inevitable here and there! Most days, you go through your to do lists, handle the mama drama, take care of the mess and stress of the kids, and you are both working side by side but not really being together. I think we get to the point quite often.
Well, we went out on our date, which mostly included errands. We did get to see a movie and eat dinner, and we didn’t have to rush. At first as we were running errands, we discussed the “have to’s” that we just haven’t gotten around to telling each other. Then, as the day went on, we actually started talking to one another about the nothing kinds of stuff. We were sitting at dinner, and I was thinking, “ya know, he’s funny. I have been laughing so hard. I am thoroughly enjoying his company, and heck, I even like him.” I think at first he was surprised when I told him what I was thinking…because his response was “you mean there are times when you don’t like me?” He was joking because he knows there are many, but for these few hours we got to be just Tammy and Robert…nobody’s employee, nobody’s mommy or daddy, no imminent to do’s or catastrophes…just us.
Joyce Brothers-“My husband and I have never considered divorce…murder sometimes, but never divorce.”
Friedrick Nietzsche-“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”
Lyndon B. Johnson- “Only two things are necessary to keep one's wife happy. One is to let her think she is having her own way, the other, to let her have it.”
Monday, August 10, 2009
Grandparent Goof II

I'm back to share the second phase of the Grandparent Goof. I warned my mom that I was sharing this story today. The first thing she said was, "oh, no, people will think I'm awful!" She's not. She's actually completely wonderful. She says exactly what she is thinking. That is the part that gets her in trouble! When she calls my hubby's cell phone, he has put her in his phone as Mafia Mama, and the name has kinda stuck. What she says goes in our family! My daughter has managed to wrap both of my parents around her little finger. She knows how to just pitifully suggest something...just how she needs to go to the park, a particular toy, or to eat at a specific place...they just melt in her hands. Now, I try the same tactics, and I fail miserably!
My mom came over several days to help me get ready for Little Bit's birthday party a few weeks ago. We'd do a couple things everyday to avoid having a lot to do last minute. With a 1 year old and a 3 year old underfoot, the only way to get things accomplished is doing a little here and there. My mom and I both have strong opinions on how to do certain things. My mom did was something silly like how she was cutting a cucumber, and I came over redoing it a different way! It's not on purpose. It's a fault by nature! I didn't even realize I was doing it, and my mom said, "Tammy, you keep redoing everything I'm doing." I laughed and jokingly said, "You just have to do it the right way." She said, "Tammy (probably my entire four names knowing her!), I'm about sick of you. You keep it up and I'm going home!" She then came up and booty bumped me out of the way and took my knife to do the cutting how she pleased. The whole episode was quite innocent and quick. I didn't think anything about it, yet little years were listening unnoticed!
A few hours later, my mom (Mimi) said, "LaLa, come show me where these books go." LaLa turned around, put her hands on her hips, and said "Mimi, you might need to go home. I'm about sick of you." My mom's jaw dropped out of shock! I died laughing to the point I had to sit on the floor. Once I could speak, I told my mom that I was so glad you she taught my daughter such wonderful things! My mom turned to LaLa and said, "LaLa, that's not nice. You hurt Mimi's feelings." I was trying very hard to compose myself because I could seriously see her one day telling someone at church, her teacher, or a friend that she was sick of them. I was explaining to LaLa that it was true. My mom said, "So, LaLa, what do you say when you hurt someone's feelings?" My sweet daughter turned around, put her cupped hand up to her cheek, and said, "Mimi, you'll just have to cry me a tear." Then, she turned and walked out of the room! This is another one of my mom's infamous sayings!
My mom felt so badly for LaLa picking up on these "Mafia Mamaisms" from her Mimi! It's fine when Mimi says them! It's what makes her Mafia Mama, but it has a totally different effect when it comes out of a sweet and sassy three year old's mouth! Fortunately, I haven't heard her repeat these anymore after this event, but it was absolutely hilarious! Now, my theory is: even if she repeats anything I say and it's horrible....I'll just blame it on her Mimi!
Mama Drama Rule #13: We mamas never know when our little ones are using their BIG ears to listen to every little thing that we and our families say! So, be careful what you will probably be repeated before it's over with!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Grandparent Goofs I
My hubby's parents spent this weekend with us. We had a fun-filled time going to LaLa's soccer game, grilling out, and hubby and I even took advantage of their visit and went on a wonderful date...without kids! Now, they are way too nice to ever say this, but many people have told me that I am a little OCD when it comes to leaving my kids with...anyone. I make lists, important information, etc.. I have really improved and do not do this as severely as I used to. So, for my hubby's parents...I set out the girl's jammies, their dinners, snacks they could have, their cups for dinner, explained bedtime routines, etc..
When we came back, LaLa was laying on the couch with her grandparents and about ready for bed. I volunteered to get her ready for bed, and I asked her grandparents where her jammies were. Her granddad came around the corner with Little Bit's jammies saying "Now, these can't be LaLa's...where would hers be?" Then, the story began unfolding.
They bathed Little Bit off, and began putting on her jammies. LaLa said, "Nana, let me look at her jammies." Nana said, "oh, they're winnie the pooh." LaLa emphasized, "No, Nana, turn her around and let me get a good look at her." Her grandparents kind of laughed at the three year old's mature reaction of getting a critical look at these particular jammies. LaLa said in response to Nana turning Little Bit around to show her off, "Hmmm...that just doesn't seem right. I have jammies just like that. That seems weird." Her response was written off as a random, crazy thing my 3 year old says...which happens often with her imagination! Her granddad went on upstairs to put a sleepy Little Bit to bed. Come to find out, the Grandparents actually put LaLa's jammies on Little Bit...keep in mind Little Bit wears 9-12 months and LaLa wears 3 or 4T.
As I walked in to check on my sleeping Little Bit, she is sleeping so peacefully in a shirt that swallowed her whole and shorts that went past her little ankles. It was quite funny! What was even funnier is LaLa had figured it out the whole time.
Mama Drama Rule #12: I love grandparent goofs! They're cute and funny...However, it's not so cute and funny if a mama makes the same goof. Your husband would be wondering what you'd been drinking!
Just wait, my mama's grandparent goof coming up tomorrow!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Project: Embroidered Sibling Shirts
Happy Monogramming!
Friday, August 7, 2009
A Mama's Embarrassing Moment...Don't let them catch you with your pants down!
My friend said, “oh no, I have you beat on that!” She told me this story, and I laughed so hard that I thought I was going to wet my pants! I asked her permission to share this story because it is just hilarious! I hope I can tell it as well as she did!
She was recently at Chick-fil-a with her two little girls (a 3 and 1 year old). She always dresses super cute, and I can just see her wearing the outfit she described… a summery cotton skirt and a cute t-shirt. It was “cow” appreciation day (free meals for people who dress up as cows) so the place was extra packed. She picked up her cutie of a one year old and had her on one hip. With the other hand, she grabbed the tray that was piled full of food. She thought she was balancing the two pretty well! Just then, her three year old became very upset about something and came over desperately trying to get her mama’s attention! My friend was pretty coordinated and tried to handle the upset three year old, balance her full tray, and hold the squirming one year old. Well, I guess her three year old was just not completely satisfied and grabbed on to mama’s skirt trying to get her attention once again. Just then, my poor friend’s skirt was left pulled down by her little girl. So, there she was…baby on one hip, full tray in the other, everyone looking at the upset preschooler (and her in turn) and her skirt down by her ankles! She said she couldn’t figure out what to do first…fuss at her preschooler, put down the baby (but then she’d have to bend over!), or walk over and put her tray down…in order to pull her skirt back up!
This story just cracked me up, and I am so glad she let me share it! At least my kids haven’t managed to do that yet in public…but I wouldn’t put it passed them…I’ll just have to steer away from wearing loose pants!
Mama Drama Rule #12: When you feel like your kids have embarrassed you so badly that you just might cry…remember that one day you’ll be retelling it and laughing hysterically! It will completely make it less traumatic!
Project: I'm still working on those sibling shirts! They're almost done, and I'm hoping to finish them up this weekend! Hopefully, they'll be up by Sunday...or Monday! First week of school has made this mama really far behind this week!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Fairy Princess Party ~ It's Mama's Party Too!
We ended up doing an enchanted fairy princess garden theme. Sounds too much for a one year olds party…but it turned out absolutely wonderful!
My goal with birthday parties is to do as many “memory makers” as possible. I think that the little things are what matter most! We were definitely on a strict budget this year, but it still managed to be special, unique and memorable. Please feel free to “steal” any ideas! I often see ideas out there and tweak them just enough to fit our needs! The concept for any mama is to work smarter not harder!
I have found that birthday celebrations are even more relaxing and special if parents of the other children don’t have to be super vigilant of their kids. So, I try to make sure that I have enough activities to keep every age of kid busy and enthusiastic. This means putting out exersaucers or extra high chairs or pack and plays and such so even the parent can talk and eat in peace. After all, I want them to enjoy the party as much as the kiddos! I also make sure that everything is childproof to ensure that they can roam freely. Also, enlist someone to help you! My mama was a great deal of help..see, we need our mamas at any age!
I love having dinner for our guests so it gives everyone an excuse to relax and enjoy a meal on us! I usually make my girls cakes, but I caved this time and bought her birthday cake. (I made her cake for her actual birthday, which relieved a small bit of the guilt!) I got a great deal! The petit fors (2 dozen), the cupcakes (I had to make the fondant frilly flower petals ~found on, and the three-tiered cake for under 100 dollars! It took a lot of looking and asking everyone for advice! I even got laughed at from two bakeries when I presented my “ideas” and my budget!
Top TEN Things that I loved that I will definitely do again and recommend…
- Bought “take and toss” store brand sippy cups and made “paper wraps” with scrapbook paper with the kids’ names on them.
- Fondant-It’s grown up play dough! I need so much more practice, but it was a blast!
- Petit Fors-they were a hit! I just thought they were sweet and tiny like my Little Bit, but had many, many comments on them!
- Made my girls’ outfits. I saved a lot of money going this route!
- Had someone write down who gave what so I don’t have to remember and can send a personal thank you.
- Had someone else take pictures for me!
- Had a wonderful family member dress up as a fairy to “play” with the kids and “decorate” them with tattoos and face painting. So many teenagers that love kids would love to do this for just a little bit of “bribery”!
- Had an easy buffet of food that didn’t take much fussing over, was inexpensive to serve a lot of people. (Teriyaki Chicken breasts served with pineapple rings, baked potato bar, an iceberg salad, veggie and fruit tray
- Had easy toddler food for little ones-with all the gerber snacks, peas, carrots, diced potatoes
- Had lots of pictures of the year & tried to include pictures of the guests with the birthday girl throughout the year. I had pictures and music on the television scrolling through (just learned that I can use my husband’s WII for this! At least it has I use that I can enjoy now!). I had pictures from her first day and every month of her first life. It was so reminiscent for me to see how much my baby had grown! Pictures are an easy and cheap decoration that can be saved and used later for photo albums and scrapbooks!
- One more, I can’t help myself! I actually got all the plates, plastic ware and decorations from the DOLLAR STORE! If you shop around long enough at different stores, you will inevitably find something you’ll love…or at least can change it just enough to make it perfect…but cheap!
Your children’s birthdays are just as much for you as they are from them! I would even go as far as to say we mamas deserve a present too. After all, it was us who provided them with transport into this world, and it’s us who loves them day by day. So, celebrate!
Mama Drama Rule #11: Kiss your little one and make memories that they’ll never forget! With a little bit of planning and a lot of hard work, you can be frugal and create an unforgettable day!