I'm back to share the second phase of the Grandparent Goof. I warned my mom that I was sharing this story today. The first thing she said was, "oh, no, people will think I'm awful!" She's not. She's actually completely wonderful. She says exactly what she is thinking. That is the part that gets her in trouble! When she calls my hubby's cell phone, he has put her in his phone as Mafia Mama, and the name has kinda stuck. What she says goes in our family! My daughter has managed to wrap both of my parents around her little finger. She knows how to just pitifully suggest something...just how she needs to go to the park, a particular toy, or to eat at a specific place...they just melt in her hands. Now, I try the same tactics, and I fail miserably!
My mom came over several days to help me get ready for Little Bit's birthday party a few weeks ago. We'd do a couple things everyday to avoid having a lot to do last minute. With a 1 year old and a 3 year old underfoot, the only way to get things accomplished is doing a little here and there. My mom and I both have strong opinions on how to do certain things. My mom did something...it was something silly like how she was cutting a cucumber, and I came over redoing it a different way! It's not on purpose. It's a fault by nature! I didn't even realize I was doing it, and my mom said, "Tammy, you keep redoing everything I'm doing." I laughed and jokingly said, "You just have to do it the right way." She said, "Tammy (probably my entire four names knowing her!), I'm about sick of you. You keep it up and I'm going home!" She then came up and booty bumped me out of the way and took my knife to do the cutting how she pleased. The whole episode was quite innocent and quick. I didn't think anything about it, yet little years were listening unnoticed!
A few hours later, my mom (Mimi) said, "LaLa, come show me where these books go." LaLa turned around, put her hands on her hips, and said "Mimi, you might need to go home. I'm about sick of you." My mom's jaw dropped out of shock! I died laughing to the point I had to sit on the floor. Once I could speak, I told my mom that I was so glad you she taught my daughter such wonderful things! My mom turned to LaLa and said, "LaLa, that's not nice. You hurt Mimi's feelings." I was trying very hard to compose myself because I could seriously see her one day telling someone at church, her teacher, or a friend that she was sick of them. I was explaining to LaLa that it was true. My mom said, "So, LaLa, what do you say when you hurt someone's feelings?" My sweet daughter turned around, put her cupped hand up to her cheek, and said, "Mimi, you'll just have to cry me a tear." Then, she turned and walked out of the room! This is another one of my mom's infamous sayings!
My mom felt so badly for LaLa picking up on these "Mafia Mamaisms" from her Mimi! It's fine when Mimi says them! It's what makes her Mafia Mama, but it has a totally different effect when it comes out of a sweet and sassy three year old's mouth! Fortunately, I haven't heard her repeat these anymore after this event, but it was absolutely hilarious! Now, my theory is: even if she repeats anything I say and it's horrible....I'll just blame it on her Mimi!
Mama Drama Rule #13: We mamas never know when our little ones are using their BIG ears to listen to every little thing that we and our families say! So, be careful what you say...it will probably be repeated before it's over with!
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