Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Mama's List of "I nevers"...

Things I thought I would never do...

  • *bribe my kids (I am the one who opens things in the grocery store in order to let my kids snack so I can make it through my list.)
  • *obsess about poop (the color of poop, if they are pooping too much or not enough, how to get them to poop in a potty...and so on.)
  • *breastfeed in public (you do what you have to do when your baby is screaming).
  • *hold a toddler/baby and still go potty myself.
  • *say bye bye and pretend like I'm really leaving in order to persuade my child to actually leave or come wherever.
  • *count to three...(seriously, we all know that we'll go beyond three to get our kids to give in. my kids probably think that I can't count past three).
  • *talk baby talk. (it's just really cute when LaLa says "whirld" for "world" and Little Bit says "kukay" for "okay")
  • *miss working.
  • *love anything/anyone as much as I love my children.
  • *be naked in front of people and not care...(once you're in labor, you lose all sense of modesty).
  • *eat at McDonald's (I'm a picky fastfood eater).
  • *love to eat gerber fruit snacks (they don't stick in your teeth.)
  • *get bored as a mama (mentally).
  • *get lonely as a mama (even though I rarely get to go to the bathroom or shower alone).
  • *coupon (it's now an obsession).
  • *not keep up to date scrapbooks for my kids.
  • *let my kids watch tv...even non-educational cartoons
  • *try to be "domesticated". (is that a word?)
  • *be able to cook (the teachers I worked with early in my career would be impressed. i didn't know how to make kool-aid when I first got married.)
  • *carry 2 kids at once.
  • *change a toddler/baby's diaper on my lap. (LaLa was the first diaper I ever changed without help.)
  • *clean up spit up/vomit...(still not my strong point. i have thrown a towel on it and waited for my hubby to get home before.)
  • *not take a shower.
  • *go (well, let's just say "a long time") without shaving my legs
  • *spend all my money on my kids' clothes and not me...not at all. (i think this is a mama habit that most of us do. we become way back on our list of necessitites.)
  • *compare myself to others.
  • *wipe a nose with whatever I can find...and I mean whatever.
  • *leave my house with something mysterious stained on my shoulder...spit up, snotty stuff, who knows?
  • *question my decisions and actions.
  • *be able to sing the Elmo theme song.
  • *know all the Wiggle's dance moves.
  • *want to "peek" in the windows everytime I drop my kid off at school (ugh...those mamas used to drive me crazy as a teacher. i get it now!:))
  • *miss going to school (I'm a nerd.)
What have you done as a mama that you thought you would never do?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Watch out this woman has power tools!

I'm so going to post my want list. Oh, I'm quite serious. You know when you sit and go through a catalog and circle everything you want. Then, you consequently toss it in the garbage because it was something crazy expensive like coach or pottery barn. I even have a friend that walks through Target picking up this and that. She has no intention of buying it. She puts it all back. It's her own therapy. Well, I have been working with LaLa about needs and wants. I really think someone needs to work on that with me because lately I have probably been the same wanting just isn't followed by incessant whining! So, I'm writing my want know for therapy. Maybe I can even get it out of my system! I'm working on it, and it is actually kind of fun to create a want list. Go know you want to!

BUT first...let me tell you about another (yes, another) obsession. It is a new discovery. It is this awesome, awesome blog that tells you how (specifically) to build the things I LOVE...pottery barn-ish furniture. I love to build stuff, but I don't have a lot of background with tools and such. I did grow up with parents that built a few houses that we lived in. For a while, my dad even bought, fixed up and sold homes as a hobby on the side. I might have picked up a few things from watching them while growing up. However, I know there is a big difference from watching, knowing a little background and actually doing it. We have a family business of automotive repair companies (fancy way to say body and paint shops). I know the difference in the parts of a car & I could probably prep a car to be painted from growing up around that too BUT can you imagine me knocking out a dent?! That would be trouble. I am trying to remind myself of that before I go buy out Home Depot with good intentions without the follow through that results in piles of lumber sitting in our garage!

Now, how might you ask does this tie into my want list??? Well, I think I just might want a table saw of my own...some hot pink saw horses, maybe a automatic nail gun shooter (probably should learn right name!)...I'm a woman on a mission! My brother says my kids will be grown by the time I finish a project...ahhh...such a non believer.

I'll be posting up my want list soon....let me know what you would include on totally indulgent and selfish!

Oh, yeah, the link is Knock off wood.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bless Her Heart

This is definitely not what I planned on posting today! I guess I'll save what I had planned and share something else...Okay, I just have to share about my day...because you will laugh...hard. I laughed. Well, I laughed...after I cried!

It's one of those things where you just can't truly, truly appreciate it unless you were there, but I'll try to share it anyway.

Here's the little yorkie max is not feeling well. After a week, I decided it was legitimate and not just a little dog pouting (which actually does happen) and took him to the vet today. I was very surprised that they could get me in today; however, I was not prepared at all. I had dropped LaLa at school on time (surprisingly). After missing two weeks of school between being sick, a snow day, and a week of mid-winter vacation, we were struggling to get up, get it together and get out this morning. We also had to remember all of her teacher appreciation items from the week she was out and her valentines to exchange (which she forgot to pass out today anyway).  As you can understand (surely you can sympathize so far), we were lucky to make it to preschool, on time in one piece. We were all dressed, but I had decided to leave Little Bit in her cozy footed pajamas. She was asleep when I put her in the car this morning anyway.

Well, as soon as I made it back home from dropping LaLa off I put Little Bit back to bed. She immediately fell sound asleep. On my way downstairs, the vet called me back. They could get my Max in to see the vet in 20 minutes (p.s. I live 20-25 minutes away) or I'd have to wait several days. Well, off I run to get Little Bit back in the car (still in her jammies and with no shoes) and then I put my little Max in the car. Off we go to the vet. As I am driving, I realize several things....I have no collar/leash for the dog. I have no shoes or clothes on my child. How am I going to carry them all inside. Well, let's just say a couple hundred dollars later and a follow up visit for Friday, my Max will be okay (my husband is dying over the cost though). He is on antibiotics & pain meds too. That officially makes everyone in my family on antibiotics except for Little Bit and Brutus (my other dog). People and the animals (we saw cats, dogs, a lizard, and a bunny) looked at me with either pity at juggling my child and my dog or they were entertained. I was their personal three ring circus. At one moment, the vet tech had to run after an escaping Little Bit. I was holding Max on the table, and Little Bit somehow opened this locking contraption on the door and took off...looking for a cow by the way (why not? there was every other animal there!).

On my way out, I paid...hmmm...holding a wiggly one year old and a pitiful yorkie and trying to sign a slip of paper. It was creative to say the least. On that note, the tech came out and wanted to give Max his first dose of meds before we left. I decided to take Little Bit on out and wait in front of my car for her to bring Max to me. I waited and waited. Then, I peeked in and asked the receptionist. A different tech returns with the biggest looked like a small horse. I didn't notice at first because I was fidgeting with Little Bit, and the lady asked if I wanted her to put the dog (Max she said) in the car. I said sure, he has a car seat in the passenger seat. I look over and this lady is trying to put a monster in my front seat. NOOOOO!!! I yelled. Yes, I did. I was stunned. I tried to tell her that was not my dog even if that dog was a Max. My dog is a small, very small yorkshire terrier...hence...the small doggie car seat in my car! Well, I got my dog, and we went on our way.

I thought I'd run into Target with my thirty minutes to spare before I picked up LaLa from school. Then, as I was sitting there, I saw this young, cute girl get out of her SUV. She grabbed her purse and was talking on her cell phone. She opened her back door. She locked the doors; then, she threw her keys in her purse. She slid her purse up on her shoulder and leaned in the backseat to unlatch a super cute little girl. She proceeded to put the little girl on her hip while talking on her cell phone. I had to say, as I watched, that I was pretty impressed at how she was juggling everything. Then, I saw her shut the back door. She froze. absolutely froze. Her face contorted. I saw her pull her arm, yet her arm would not budge. I saw her drop her cell phone and pull on the door handle. She simply stood there for several minutes I'm sure. She looked in pain or maybe in shock or confused. Maybe she was thinking. I'm not sure. I wondered what this beautiful, talented lady could be doing.

Then, I saw her put down the small toddler on the parking lot. What in the world was she doing? The child had footy jammies on and no shoes. The concrete was wet from a morning storm. Hmmm...why would she do that? The lady dropped her purse on the ground and began digging through it looking for something. In the meantime, she was trying to corral the toddler with her leg so she wouldn't dart off in the parking lot and that other hand was still up by the door. So, here is this woman with one hand up by the door not moving it. One hand is digging through her purse. One leg is planted on the ground. The other leg is trying to keep the toddler in her jammies within reach. Any guesses?

Suddenly, the lady looks relieved and pulls her keys out of her purse. She frantically hits buttons, opens the back door again (child is walking off), and pulls her hand out of the door jam. Bless her heart (this is my southern way of saying "oh, that poor dumb sweet girl"). She runs to swoop up her wandering toddler before (thankfully) she walks too far away, grabs her purse, and holds up her arm. Yep, you may have figured it out....This is about the time that I realized that this was happening to me. I hold up my hand as blood was pouring all over my hand, arm and jeans. Fortunately, a nice (an angel from God) that works for Target happened to be in the bathroom and helped me. By the way, Target does not have paper towels only blowie things that will not help you in such circumstances as these. I think I would have completely passed out...not because of the pain but because of the blood if she had not been there!

Well, that was my mama drama for the day...heck, that should cover me for a few months or maybe the year?! I'm thinking my poor thumb nail may not makes me nauseous to even think about it. It's actually a great story to tell...if only I was actually watching it happen to someone else! Did you notice my adjectives that I used to describe the lady:)? hee hee I figured I deserved those after my ordeal!

Friday, February 19, 2010

It's a Pirate's Life for ME!

I think that I have become the fastest typer ever. seriously, ever. See what happened was...I had a kid. She started rolling then crawling and finally walking. After she became mobile, the computer time had to be quick. really quick. If you aren't quick, she (now they) would just crawl on and over me until they are on top of me blocking the view to the computer and randomly pushing buttons. In order to outsmart my kids and still have my outlet of this machine (my laptop), my fingers had to get FAST! That is also why I write completely what is in my head...without rereading and without spell checking! So, never look to closely to my postings!

Okay, well, I went with my mom (thanks for joining us in our chaos) today to get my girls hair cuts. Little Bit got her very first haircut! I will share more on that next week because you know there is always (always) a drama filled story or adventure when it comes to our world or any world with kids.

Now on to the or rather my focus of the moment! Da da da dum....PIRATES. Yes, I'm serious about this. You heard me correctly. PIRATES. I am quite focused or possibly obsessed with pirates.

I really, really enjoy celebrating and planning parties, but I especially go a little nutsy for my kids birthday parties. I try hard to thrifty in my planning and preparations. I learned long ago to make a budget and buy early and slowly or I would be one of those people with a three ring circus pulling up to her yard. My husband and I both believe in celebrating birthdays BIG and special. I think he might have had something else in his head in thinking that than big children birthday parties, but seriously, who really runs our world...this mama, of course. He just looks at the pictures on the blog and doesn't read all the words so he'll never know...just don't tell him!:)

In the goal of planning ahead for LaLa's fourth birthday in March, I began asking her (last winter. ok, maybe fall) what theme she wanted for her birthday. From what I understood, she had chosen a princess party. I had this envision of the disney princesses, a bibbity boppity boutique, a princess visitor, dress up time, and so on. Then, she changed her mind from theme to theme to theme to theme. It messes with my world when they do things like this. Then, I decided I wasn't going to ask her anymore and do what I wanted because why should I ask a three year old...Well, maybe because it is FOR her, but I thought maybe I could just CONVINCE her of my great idea. I thought...oh, grand, let's do princess and pirates. It incorporated two themes she mentioned. Plus, we could still keep my six months of princess planning. My unique little one said, "Oh, mama, that's great. My friends will love being princesses, but I think I'll be a pirate." She has stuck on being a pirate. I just can't stomach making tutu dresses for dozens of little girls and hiring teenagers to do cute hair dos and invite a princess to visit when my LaLa will not be participating. Instead, she would be the one with the eye patch and the sword hunting for treasure. As a result, I have given up my princess party...until hopefully, next year. I plan on starting trying to convince her for her fifth party theme to be princesses the day after her fourth birthday party.

All the information was to ask my bloggy friends if you have ideas. Since I have succombed to the requests of the birthday girl (probably as it should be!), I have searched for ideas...a lot. I have found some cute stuff...get the dollar store (plates, decorations, eye patches, etc). I mainly need a cute birthday outfit for the birthday girl...her suggestions were a tutu, an eye patch, a "dook" rag (I think this is a "doo" rag...I'm not really ghetto...I'm not sure if that is even right. I asked her what she was talking about. She replied, "like daddy wears when he runs and bikes and what the pirate's crew wears"). By the way, she doesn't like the skull and cross bones. "They are spooky," she says. Totally limits a pirate theme. Hmmm...she sounds like a punk rocker pirate. I also need some cute activities (I really want a pirate or a parrot to come to my house. I know, I'm special). I am trying to think of some wonderfully cute invitations that I can copy create. Oh, I need a cute cake idea too! I usually make their cakes, but I am so thinking about cheating this year and buying one!

Anybody have any ideas?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gotta Do What You Gotta Do!

When is the last time you had the opportunity to sit back and watch a movie with your hubby? If you have small children, it has probably been a while. Going to see a movie takes a great deal of action on your part. You must plan a babysitter, pay a babysitter (ugh), deem a movie wonderful enough to rush there and rush home...maybe go out to eat in the midst of your date if you are feeling advantageous (or if you have made family feel sorry enough for you to babysit for free!) Well, I think Robert and I have solved at least a portion of this dilemma. We work very hard to be creative in order to do fun stuff with little ones and on a budget. It usually involves an act of congress and the begging of family to help orchestrate some time off, but not this time...
A drive in movie... 

Yes, I'm serious. They still have these around, and I have to say that they are GREAT! We visited this one in Atlanta a couple times during the summer. We were newbies to this concept, and we weren't quite prepared. IF you live in or near Atlanta, I highly recommend this idea! I'm sure they are around other areas as may just take a little research first. I didn't even know we had one until this summer AND get's 20-25 minutes away! I know seriously...all this time, I could have actually seen movies when my girls were little...and loud.

My Suggestions for a drive in movie with "younguns'"...
  • If they are preschoolers, try explaining the concept. We told LaLa that they play a movie for grown ups on the big screen and made a big deal about letting her choose a movie for the back.
  • In our world, we do not let them out of their car seat. If we do, it is all over! They sit in their car seat and watch their movie while we watch ours...the exception is if we have to go potty, but then it is right back in your car seat.
  • Bring blankets and lovies to get cozy...and hopefully they will fall asleep.
  • Bring lots and lots of snacks.
  • Bring dinner for you and your guy.
  • Most weekend nights are a double feature. When the girls were younger during the summer, we would have shuffling during the first movie, but we would get to enjoy the second, late night one because they would fall asleep! However, we were quite tired!
  • You get to TALK during your movie!
  • You can wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt. No one will ever know....unless you go potty!
  • Bonus: you can bring ANY don't have to pay for the expensive concessions!
  • Bonus: IF your kids do scream or talk, you don't have to leave the movie!
  • Put your kids in their jammies. Ours either fall asleep during the movie or on the way home. We just put them in their bed when we get home.
We went out last night. We never got out of our car. We were all in cozy, comfy clothes. We got to see Valentine's Day. Both kids fell asleep in the car. We spent 15 dollars total. Ahhh...sweet success...and I GOT to see a grown up movie!

Do you have any great and sneaky date ideas? A date...even a sneaky one...can be great for your marriage and your mental state as a mama!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hot or COLD?

Two short weeks ago in Mexico...I was here. I was in my bathing suit, and yes, commenting on how extremely warm it was! My hubby took this picture as he was relaxing in a beach chair. I actually slipped on the coral on the ocean floor twice and could barely stand up straight without falling. Now, this would be funny watching your spouse slip and slide around as they go bobbing in the water, right?! Well, Robert obviously thought so because he snapped pictures of my distress. HOWEVER, if your spouse cannot swim, it is (I repeat). It is not funny! I'm sure if I would have really drowned, he would have at least documented it on camera for the scrapbook before he ran out to save me!

Then, you look at pictures from over the weekend. Cold, cold, very cold and lots of snow.
Our house covered (unbelievable) in snow! This is actually the  most snow I have ever seen in Georgia!

Little Bit trying to figure out what this white cold stuff was floating in the air.

Robert and LaLa making snow angels.

It's no wonder why my body is so knows?! I enjoyed the snow, but I think I'll vote for the sunny weather! How much longer to spring?!

Are ya'll as ready as I am for some warm, sunny weather?
What do you plan on doing on that first wonderful sunny day?

Just so you know...

Just so you know...

FIRST, I have been married seven years today. Hubby and I decided that we definitely need a "do over" because we're all sick...yes, still. I can't believe it has been seven years. Isn't it crazy how time flies so fast the older you get?

SECOND, Hubby and I got to escape and have a date out on Saturday. Let me just tell you how that one worked! It is a great depiction of how our world works! We had snow...lots of wonderful snow on Friday. When we woke up Saturday, it was still absolutely beautiful outside. Robert and I decided that we would take advantage of my mom's offer to babysit even though we weren't feeling very well. Our thoughts were that we have been stuck inside all week and shuttling kids to the doctor's office so we would probably feel better if we got out and about. We went to eat at a restaurant called the Oakwood. As we drove up, we noticed there were no cars...they were closed due to the weather. We took it in stride. Now, that we were running a little behind schedule, we decided to just try Longhorns. We had to rush to make it in time for the movie, but we ate quickly and went on our way.

We drove up to the theatre to find a very empty parking lot...once again. Yep, you've got it. They were closed until two due to the weather. Robert looked over at me and asked what did I want to do now. We had a couple hours left. You'll never guess what I chose to do with my two hours of valentine/anniversary date?! I voted on going to the doctor. I figured that I had already had Robert's stomach bug that he blessed our family with and then ended up with LaLa's cold/sinus/chest I mine as well go to the doctor. It was either that or end up taking both of my girls with me to the doctor this week.

I now have antibiotics and medicine. Hopefully, I will be better soon! LaLa is getting better everyday. Little Bit woke up stuffy with a runny nose this morning...hmmm...been down this road before!

NOW, for the fun part...Do you know today is President's Day?!

JUST SO YOU KNOW...on President's day, the post office is not open! I'll add it to my list of things that I know now!:)

     Here is Aidan's shirt for the winner of the giveaway, Cathie. I hope he enjoys it! I'll mail it tomorrow...assuming the post office will be open! It's not a it?! I'm sending the doggy outlet cover too (from last week), but the "moo cow" will have to stay here!8) Congrats again! If you didn't win this time, try back next month for another giveaway!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Baby Proof with Style!

Of course part of our mama drama with kids is baby proofing. I think every family has to baby proof according to their child's curiosity or ability. Some houses will need minimum baby proofing because their children may not be as adventurous or...umm...let's just say creative. If you follow my blog, you know that my kids fall into the busy, creative, adventurous, and can you believe they thought of that?! category.

Well, if we must baby proof, I think we should definitely do it with some crafty style. I saw these little thingies (technical term) at a boutique a while back. They were nine dollars. Yes, I'm serious. Nine dollars for one. My brain was instantly thinking, "You have gotta be kidding. I can so make that for a lot less."

They are very easy. AND, this was something that was easily versatile for a boy or a girl. In fact, you can switch them out when you need a change. All you need is a hot glue gun (or some strong craft adhesive), little painted, wood item(s) (I found these for .50 to .99 at Michaels), and a box of outlet covers. I obviously went on some sort of bender at one point or another buying these wood animals because I found several of them in my craft closet. The flowers were used to "label" drawers in LaLa's room, and the jungle animals were for some project that I intended but didn't do for the girls' bathroom! We have boxes and boxes of outlet covers. When I was pregnant with Little Bit, I thought I'd save time by registering online at a local Baby superstore. Well, rather than clicking 1 for outlet covers, I accidently clicked 11...too many ones. So, if you have received outlet covers with your baby gift in the past, that is probably why!! where is my glue gun? I had just collected my materials, and so impressed that I had remembered to snap a picture only to find my glue gun had walked away! Of course, with kids and crafts, you have to look in the unobvious places...Ah ha...there it is...

You just have to put a dab of hot glue or craft adhesive on the back of an outlet cover. Then, push it firmly onto the animal or item. Let it dry completely before you stick it in the outlet. If you get a little anxious and plug it in before it is dry, it will come off the next time you pull out the outlet cover to use your plug in!

It makes a fun difference in boring outlets...

        Before...So boring!

After...with a sweet monkey hiding the outlets...perfect for our jungle themed bathroom. LaLa's Charlotte's Web themed room...takes away from her cute grass bordering the wall.

After...I had to keep the outlet cover in the bottom holes because the flower only covered the top one.
I think I could have glued it lower and covered them both...but I'm too lazy to do it again! The flower used to have labels in the center. I found these oval mirrors on clearance for .25 (pack of 3) at Michaels. They fit perfectly in the little flower's center. It would be fun if you had a little toddler pulling up to see himself/herself in flower mirrors around the room. They look like they "fit" mixed in the grass around LaLa's room. She decided on all flowers, one ladybug, and a little frog to cover her outlets., off to do another breathing treatment with LaLa! I think we are all getting better! AND, of course, to enjoy the snow falling in Georgia. Can you believe it?! Snow...twice in one year in the SOUTH! Of course, they closed schools in our county last night because of the chance of snow! If they just say snow in the South, they shut it all down!

I've never done this before, BUT I am going to try to link to DIY day on a Soft Place to Land...Click the link here to check it out and all the fun, creative do it yourself ideas! Plenty to get your crafty, mama brains busy on a snowy, cold day!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Save your Sanity...Try a Fort!

She said the sparkles were tinkerbell dust.

I'm desperate. Absolutely desperate. I need something. I mean anything that would make my little one happy. She has been hacky coughing so much that she can't sleep. Do you know what happens when a three year old can't sleep? I am praying for patience and creativity.

The prayers must have work because I have not heard any whining, crying, or squawking in minutes. Actually, I think the coughing has even subsided to a minimum.

On that note, I put a call into the doctor this morning. She finally called back and because of LaLa's fever (which has broke), complaining about hurting when she goes potty (has a history of kidney reflux) and this hacky cough that is causing her to throw up and be miserable...we have to go back to the doctor's office this afternoon. I'm normally a very conservative mommy on medication. BUT not this time. I want drugs. Give her something to make her feel better. WE were just there forty eight hours ago and left with a chest xray and diagnosis of a viral infection and maybe something starting up. That's an expensive appointment for nothing to be specifically wrong with her...just my thoughts. Don't you hate that?!


Okay...back to answered prayers. Creativity struck...I'm giving God credit because I actually had just desperately prayed for inspiration and patience! I was moving the chairs to vacuum under the table (umm...still haven't done it after Sunday's company...) and eyed the clean, folded blankets on the stairs (you know from all the LAUNDRY from the three year old throwing up after coughing until she's blue).


Ah-ha! I told LaLa to stay on the couch for a big surprise (not that she was really moving and groovin' anywhere anyway besides being attached to me). I used the blankets to put over the table, grabbed a disco ball and light (I think this stuff was from when I was in college...a LONG time ago! See, hubby, labeling the boxes in the garage did help.), made yummy snacks (oreos, grapes, carrots, and strawberries--desperate attempts to get the sick one to eat anything), lots of pillows and blankets, a mommy note, and hauled down LaLa's little tv. I wanted Christmas lights, but I couldn't reach that box! We turned on Cinderella and climbed in. The note was a big hit because she couldn't figure out how to "get" it because it was on top of the glass table facing down at her. Hee-hee to think like a three year old! As Little Bit says, "TA-DA!" A good old fashioned fort with a few surprises.

Mommy Note that I placed face down on the glass table before throwing blankits on it. It was hilarious listening to her tell me that I was magic because she can't figure out how it's stuck there and she can't touch it.

Let me just tell you...this simple idea saved my least for now...We both actually fell asleep under the table for a little while. Can you imagine if someone stopped by? "Oh, just come on in. We were just napping under the dining room table." 8) Little Bit was sleeping in her crib. She may be the Godzilla of a fort when she discovers it!

No pictures, please. Is that actually a small smile from the sick one?

As for when the fun wears off, who knows?!

It seems a lot of us are (or will) be covered in snow. You may not have sick ones to entertain, but you may enjoy a good fort if you have bored little ones! Let us know if you try it out!

Off we go, off we doctors office we go...again! Yep, it's our new theme song!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I love it, I love it not...

I have been talking to friends lately about being a mom, especially a stay at home mom...
It reminds me of pulling a petal off at a time...

I love it...
              I love it not...
More on that on a different day...there is only so much time when you have a houseful of people running fever and tired of being tired!

I have truly realized one thing that I absolutely LOVE about being a MOM.

I love seeing myself through their eyes. Well, I do most of the time.

Little Bit was crying yesterday in her bed. While I am getting ready to head upstairs to get her, I hear in the intercom, "It's okay sweet baby. Don't cry. LaLa is right here."

Hubby brought girls a balloon (big hit in our world) to cheer them up from feeling bad yesterday. Little Bit runs saying "Oh, gaw." I laughed saying where in the world did she get that from? My husband laughed saying she sounds just like me....oops!:)

At the super bowl party, LaLa was in the craft/office room playing with some other kids. I heard her tell one of the toddlers as they were "creating" art work, "Don't be vusterated. You just have to do your very best. See you can do it. This is great work." (hmmm...I believe she has heard those same words in our craft attempts!)

Again, at the party, I see LaLa give a little boy a toy and say, "I'm so glad you're here. Make yourself at home. You can play with any of my toys." (hee hee...she probably shares better than I do though.)

Little Bit dropped her bowl of puffs. She promptly drops the entire bowl, puts both palms on her forehead and said, "Oh, no!" (surely, I am not that dramatic!)

LaLa waiting at the top of the stairs for her daddy to come tuck her in (for the fifth least) yells, "Roooobeeert, I've already asked you nicely twice!" (oops! sounded just like me. I may have to work on that one!)

At the doctor yesterday, LaLa whined and asked how much longer do we have to wait. (yeah, I am one of those crazy moms that won't let her touch anything in the sick room.) I told her not much longer and encouraged her to play I spy with me. She said, "Mommy, do you have any paper or a pen in your purse?" I told her yes and gave it to her asking her if she was going to draw a picture. She said, "No, mommy, I'm trying to write my list of what I'm going to do later." (the OCD is genetic...isn't it?)

LaLa walking by the chair accidentally stubbed her toe on it. She promptly replies, "Shoot!" and kept walking. (hmm...need to work on that one too)

Last but not least...Last night, she and I both felt completely horrible. Thinking she was enthralled in her movie and cuddled on the couch, I collapsed on the floor (which actually felt wonderful to just be able to stop moving). I suddenly felt a blanket being pulled haphazardly over me. I looked up to see LaLa covering me up and running to get me a pillow. Then, she sat beside me moving my hair out of my face saying, "just close your eyes and rest. I'll make you better." (What a sweet baby!)

It's that wonderful moment that I feel like she is growing up maybe by the grace of God, I am doing this mama thing right. It may only last for a second, but that second makes me love being a mom.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

You are the winner!

Look at poor, sweet LaLa. We are about to run out to the doctor to see what is making her "feel not better" as she says, but we had to choose a winner first. She says thumbs up to little Aidan because he was the one chosen. I think Aidan is a boy's name. I have to think about a boy idea!:) I've been wanting to try something I saw in a catalog...this may be the perfect time!

We chose it the old fashion way by pulling a name out of the hat, which LaLa also provided from her dress up bucket. I was so excited to get comments that I will definitely have to do another giveaway soon!! I think in March we should do an Easter shirt giveaway! So, keep checking back! Well, I think the giveaway encouraged comments and the fact that I turned the comment blocker thingie off! Silly me!

Congrats to


You are the winner! Email me at and let me know your address so I can mail your prize! We'll wait 48 hours to hear from Cathie before we draw another name....hurry, Cathie! Also, send your sweet little one's size, gender, and correct spelling of the name...just to be sure!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Surviving Mondays...

Mondays are rough...

Imagine the theme song I will Survive... as you read this post...

My kids are so off kilter after a weekend of fun and no schedules. I have noticed even if we are home all weekend, we still seem to struggle on Mondays from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed.  It reminds me of those little Garfield comics that say "I hate Mondays".

We were very excited to host our young marrieds group at church for Super Bowl Sunday. We had a great turn out. In fact, I'm just hoping that I had the opportunity to at least say hello to everyone that came yesterday! With all the kids and the adults, I wasn't sure! I was excited to meet a lot of families that I didn't know! What counts is everyone seemed to have a great time and have plenty of food to eat! Ah, the food was simply wonderful. Each family brought an appetizer. Who couldn't make a meal out of that?!

First, let me say that my hubby quite surprised me and was a LOT of help in getting everything ready for party time. Unfortunately, I think being out of town and trying to catch up on work and everything else finally hit Robert last night. He woke up feeling pretty rough. He doesn't get sick often, but when he does, it is like having a really big sick child. He does not like being sick at all. About an hour after he woke up, Little Bit woke up. (She has been waking up almost every night since we got back from our trip. She cries for about an hour, wants to play or walk around for another hour, and then she goes back to sleep.

She has no sick I am cluesless...and quite sleepy lately!) The hour after Little Bit had finally stopped crying, LaLa woke up very, very whiny saying her back hurt and she had a cough. I told her I haven't heard her cough at all. My comment was followed by "cough, cough". I gave both kiddos tylenol, read some books, and put everyone back in bed. (Shhh...don't tell, but this desperate mama put on a video and left them in their beds to watch it and fall asleep. It worked.) However, poor Robert was up the rest of the night. By the time he crawled out of bed to go to work, I slept an hour until the girls woke up.
LaLa had a fever this morning...still with no symptoms. Although she is tired, she seems fine now.

They are dropping like flies in my house! AND, I feel like a zombie! My vote is we have all just been on the go too much and maybe we need rest. Maybe it is all the food they ate at the party. You know what they say about too much of a good thing. I'm just hoping it's not anything else! I'm lysoling everything in case they have cooties. I'm sure Robert wasn't sure about my concern when I was bringing him medicine, crackers, and sprite with a can of lysol last night!

I may just pack up all of us and go the doctor before the week is over! Well, in my sleepy and cranky state, I thought I would share a bit of our craziness that keeps us smiling...even with no sleep!
As I was cleaning last week for the Super Bowl Party at our house, I mentally patted myself on the back (okay, maybe I really patted myself on the back) that I had gotten so much done! First mama mistake...I know it was a rookie mistake. It's like saying you never get a ticket. With a statement like that, you will get one...soon.

I came around the corner (fortunately, this was one of the things that I had cleaned that day!) only to find my child laughing and squealing.

There she was fully clothed in the potty! Do you notice that she had moved the stool over the potty? She must have figured out how to open the lid (new source of problem in our house!), moved the stool, climbed up and got in?! She promptly said, "Good Girl, Bath!" Of course, I laughed, grabbed my camera, and said, "Say Cheese!" What else can you do but laugh?

There's not much time left until the giveaway is over! Check back tomorrow to see if you are the winner!

Friday, February 5, 2010

OCD, anyone?

If your kitchen is just driving you crazy and seems a mess, I have a quick fix. It sounds crazy, but I am always amazed at what a pick me up it is when I clear off my fridge! I should've taken a before picture! Our fridge gets so cluttery (no, I don't think that's a word). My fridge is the infamous part of our house where all of our reminders and notes end up. My garage door is magnetic and is nearby so that is where some of these notes and kid's artwork landed. You may have a pantry door where you could put some stuff on the inside of it. I even have a friend that uses the inside of her cabinet doors to hang such stuff.

Now, I still had these pesky (BUT still wonderful and loved by my kids) magnets that end up all over the floor and all over the fridge.  The letters REALLY hurt when you step on them barefoot!  I took painter's tape (all I could find) and made a rectangle to corral all of our magnets. We have a couple other noisy magnet things, but I thought I would trade them out when my girls were tired of these. For the last couple days, it is actually working! They are putting them back in the magnet "home"! No more fishing magnets out from under the fridge, in the fridge, or all over the floor!

Am I pushing the OCD card? Probably. However, I have decided that OCD is no longer obsessive compulsive disorder. Once you have kids, you can claim OCD as Organizing my Children's Disasters! (That's pretty clever, huh!? It's bad when I am impressed with my own randomness!) Regardless, I've learned through working in the field of education...there is an acronym for everything (think in school: EBD, IEP, OI, OT, EIP, and so on). Everything sounds important and official if you give it an acronym! So, I am going to show my OCD fridge off with pride!8)

Maybe my fridge is my version of the flylady's shiny sink...maybe I'm a little crazy...but my cleared off fridge has made me really, really happy. Who knows, it may work for you! AND, who would've thought a taped rectangle would control the magnet chaos in our world? Hmm...where else can I put taped boundaries for my kids' messes?! Wouldn't hurt to try clearing off your fridge. It even inspired me to clean the rest of my kitchen! That is amazing in and of itself!

If you haven't participated in the giveaway yet, click here! It ends SOON! There aren't many signed up...which means that is even better odds in winning!!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Learn to say GET NAKED in Spanish...

This is a picture of us in Cozmel. A few things just crack me up about the picture. First, it is the only one that we took that actually has us both in the picture. Even as we had the moment of realization that we hadn't taken any pictures, we asked a random lady to snap a shot. We could have faced the other way and had the ocean in the background or maybe even put down our stuff or even put down Robert's *coke*! Second, Robert received so many compliments with my overfilled beach bag on his shoulder. We are so pitiful in our picture taking when our kids aren't around!

The last time we were in Cozmel at Paradise Beach I was 4 months pregnant with Little Bit. As Robert indulged in one of these "on the beach massages", I just sat back in the chair wishing him muscle cramps because I couldn't get one! Well, this year, by golly, I got one. Robert is the haggler. It's not really that he is a good haggler. He just drives the other person crazy until they just give in to him so he'll go away. Well, he talked this guy Hector in this little tent thingie to do a massage for an hour for thirty dollars. Not bad, huh?

Well, Robert took me over there, assured me everything was fine and taken care of, and left. The guy started speaking spanish very quickly. I gathered that I was to lay face first. I was excited that my little bit of Spanish was kicking in...or that I was just a good guesser. Next, he started speaking again. Too bad I don't know how to tell him to slow down and I might figure out what he is saying. I was able to understand two words..."top" "off". I wasn't sure if I was understanding even those words...I was not taking my tankini top off in a sheer tent on the beach. Yes, I'm a little modest.

No, no Hector, I'm fine thanks! Well, I went to lay down face first, and he thinking that I still didn't understand him began to "help" me slide my straps off and my tankini down. I gave up by this time figuring at least I was still covered up...however, even with that, after breastfeeding two babies for almost a year each (they'll never be the same.sad.very sad.), it takes a little positioning to lay face first. This is what was rambling in my head. I just want to point out that men never have to worry about this kind of stuff. Never.

Between watching his toes (Scary men toes.) as my face was in the little donut (Yes, I had a round mark on my head that my husband never told me that I had for several hours) and trying to figure out what Hector was saying, I still managed to enjoy the massage. I tried to focus on the ocean sounds and the breeze. Then, I would get caught up trying to figure out what Hector was saying. It was like when you go get your nails done...I'm thinking the whole time that they are talking about me. Then, of course, I got lost trying to find Robert after the massage. I'm convinced he moved, and it was not just my lack of navigation skills! I tried to relay this story back to Robert. He just laughed and told me I worry too much. Yeah, yeah, a man named Hector didn't want him to get naked in a tent!

Check back to yesterday's post (click older post under this one) to sign up for the giveaway!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Need a Surprise? My 1st GIVEAWAY...

Wow! It is certainly difficult to get back into the swing of things when you have been out of town. First, let me just tell you that I missed my munchkins. Yes, it's true. They are all I could think about! The mommy in me is seriously worried that my going away might have scarred them for life. Yes, I'm serious! I'll tell you more on the psychological trauma that I am quite sure I caused later this week.

On another note, I have been awed by these giveaways on blogs so I thought I would give it a try! I'm sure it will be quite a learning you'll have to help me with it as I go here. The giveaway is for a child's embroidered I will need to know size, boy or girl, and a name and/or initial. The surprise part is what I will do with that information:). I thought about showing you the shirt idea, but I thought it would be more fun if it was a mystery! I four people that read about our crazy mama drama and my wacky obsessions at least deserve a surprise!

Here is how you enter:
1. Join as a follower on a mama's's really easy! If you're already a follower, skip to next step.
2. Leave a comment on this post with the following information-size of shirt, boy or girl, name and/or initial.
3. If you link my blog on one of your blog posts, I will enter your name in the drawing twice! Make sure to let me know on the comment!
4. Check back Tuesday, February 9th to see if you won!

Giveaway ends Monday, February 8, 2010 at 8 pm (Eastern time). The drawing will be chosen randomly.

Additions...Thanks to all of you that email me this giveaway information & helpful tidbits! Comments are working now...and if you create a link, please make sure to include that in your comment so I can add your name twice.
Good Luck!