Monday, August 24, 2009

Forgive and Forget- the Love of a Child!

I know I have mentioned before that we can learn a lot from our kids, but I still become amazed at how many "little" lessons I learn from them daily. If we watch closely, their innocence gives us so many life lessons. Today, I took both of my girls to this thing called "open gym" at a kid's play area. They had the opportunity to play on jungle gym structures and gymnastic type of things. LaLa saw a little boy that was trying so hard to do several of the tasks. She followed him around...a complete stranger...and explained it to him and cheered him on the entire way.

I couldn't have been prouder, and I realized there a lot of little opportunities where I could be doing the same thing! At my daughter's birthday party, one of the girls received a green ball. Later, when another child started playing with it, LaLa just had a melt down. Now, I know she hadn't fallen desperately in love with this little green ball so quickly, but she was seriously upset with this little boy! In her little mind, this little boy had violated some sort of kid code by playing with her new green ball.

She eventually calmed down and became distracted by something else! Days later, my daughter was still talking about this little boy. She asked, "Can he come over and play? Can I write him a letter? Where does he live?" The questions just continued. I was thinking, What is her obsession with this little boy?! A friend of mine pointed out how funny it is that she had become so attached to this particular child after she was so upset about this incident at the party!

Kids forget and forgive. They take each other openly and honestly without any barriers. When they don't like something, you better believe they'll let you know! When they do like it, they tell you that too! I want a friend like that! Actually, I am blessed to have a few like that, but I really want to be like that...and wouldn't mind if all my friends were like that! (Colossians 3:13-14)

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look with becomes a habit.-Peter Ustinov

Mama Drama Rule #24: Show the same unconditional love that small children show to each other by focusing on what people do right rather all the little things they do wrong!

Coupon Update- I am still collecting, filing, and organizing coupons from the smart saver, red plum, sunday papers, and anywhere else I can find them! Hopefully, when I get a good solid collection, I will be ready to go! I'm still diving into and coupon blogs! I'll keep you posted! I have discovered the penny mystery item at publix...can't go wrong there!:)

Project Update- About to post baby projects that I've been working on! I have a dozen projects buzzing in my head this week! I saw so many neat little things in Florida that I actually started making a list of things I wanted to try to make or copy!

1 comment:

JessRN said...

I agree--I would love it if all my friends were like that. My perspective is: If no one tells someone they are doing something out of line or irritating, etc, etc, then they are robbing that person of the chance to change, and therefore robbing them of potential friends in the future. I value people in my life that tell me how I can improve.