Monday, February 8, 2010

Surviving Mondays...

Mondays are rough...

Imagine the theme song I will Survive... as you read this post...

My kids are so off kilter after a weekend of fun and no schedules. I have noticed even if we are home all weekend, we still seem to struggle on Mondays from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed.  It reminds me of those little Garfield comics that say "I hate Mondays".

We were very excited to host our young marrieds group at church for Super Bowl Sunday. We had a great turn out. In fact, I'm just hoping that I had the opportunity to at least say hello to everyone that came yesterday! With all the kids and the adults, I wasn't sure! I was excited to meet a lot of families that I didn't know! What counts is everyone seemed to have a great time and have plenty of food to eat! Ah, the food was simply wonderful. Each family brought an appetizer. Who couldn't make a meal out of that?!

First, let me say that my hubby quite surprised me and was a LOT of help in getting everything ready for party time. Unfortunately, I think being out of town and trying to catch up on work and everything else finally hit Robert last night. He woke up feeling pretty rough. He doesn't get sick often, but when he does, it is like having a really big sick child. He does not like being sick at all. About an hour after he woke up, Little Bit woke up. (She has been waking up almost every night since we got back from our trip. She cries for about an hour, wants to play or walk around for another hour, and then she goes back to sleep.

She has no sick I am cluesless...and quite sleepy lately!) The hour after Little Bit had finally stopped crying, LaLa woke up very, very whiny saying her back hurt and she had a cough. I told her I haven't heard her cough at all. My comment was followed by "cough, cough". I gave both kiddos tylenol, read some books, and put everyone back in bed. (Shhh...don't tell, but this desperate mama put on a video and left them in their beds to watch it and fall asleep. It worked.) However, poor Robert was up the rest of the night. By the time he crawled out of bed to go to work, I slept an hour until the girls woke up.
LaLa had a fever this morning...still with no symptoms. Although she is tired, she seems fine now.

They are dropping like flies in my house! AND, I feel like a zombie! My vote is we have all just been on the go too much and maybe we need rest. Maybe it is all the food they ate at the party. You know what they say about too much of a good thing. I'm just hoping it's not anything else! I'm lysoling everything in case they have cooties. I'm sure Robert wasn't sure about my concern when I was bringing him medicine, crackers, and sprite with a can of lysol last night!

I may just pack up all of us and go the doctor before the week is over! Well, in my sleepy and cranky state, I thought I would share a bit of our craziness that keeps us smiling...even with no sleep!
As I was cleaning last week for the Super Bowl Party at our house, I mentally patted myself on the back (okay, maybe I really patted myself on the back) that I had gotten so much done! First mama mistake...I know it was a rookie mistake. It's like saying you never get a ticket. With a statement like that, you will get one...soon.

I came around the corner (fortunately, this was one of the things that I had cleaned that day!) only to find my child laughing and squealing.

There she was fully clothed in the potty! Do you notice that she had moved the stool over the potty? She must have figured out how to open the lid (new source of problem in our house!), moved the stool, climbed up and got in?! She promptly said, "Good Girl, Bath!" Of course, I laughed, grabbed my camera, and said, "Say Cheese!" What else can you do but laugh?

There's not much time left until the giveaway is over! Check back tomorrow to see if you are the winner!


Anonymous said...

You guys throw the best parties! We had a blast. I hate that yall are sick though. Get some rest!

Anonymous said...

isaac has been doing the wake up, cry some, get up, put back down, go to sleep thing --- i keep thinking teeth but haven't seen any, no symptoms of anything else other than just not letting us sleep... happened for about a week now he seems to be back to normal. they keep ya guessing that's for sure. :)