Friday, February 5, 2010

OCD, anyone?

If your kitchen is just driving you crazy and seems a mess, I have a quick fix. It sounds crazy, but I am always amazed at what a pick me up it is when I clear off my fridge! I should've taken a before picture! Our fridge gets so cluttery (no, I don't think that's a word). My fridge is the infamous part of our house where all of our reminders and notes end up. My garage door is magnetic and is nearby so that is where some of these notes and kid's artwork landed. You may have a pantry door where you could put some stuff on the inside of it. I even have a friend that uses the inside of her cabinet doors to hang such stuff.

Now, I still had these pesky (BUT still wonderful and loved by my kids) magnets that end up all over the floor and all over the fridge.  The letters REALLY hurt when you step on them barefoot!  I took painter's tape (all I could find) and made a rectangle to corral all of our magnets. We have a couple other noisy magnet things, but I thought I would trade them out when my girls were tired of these. For the last couple days, it is actually working! They are putting them back in the magnet "home"! No more fishing magnets out from under the fridge, in the fridge, or all over the floor!

Am I pushing the OCD card? Probably. However, I have decided that OCD is no longer obsessive compulsive disorder. Once you have kids, you can claim OCD as Organizing my Children's Disasters! (That's pretty clever, huh!? It's bad when I am impressed with my own randomness!) Regardless, I've learned through working in the field of education...there is an acronym for everything (think in school: EBD, IEP, OI, OT, EIP, and so on). Everything sounds important and official if you give it an acronym! So, I am going to show my OCD fridge off with pride!8)

Maybe my fridge is my version of the flylady's shiny sink...maybe I'm a little crazy...but my cleared off fridge has made me really, really happy. Who knows, it may work for you! AND, who would've thought a taped rectangle would control the magnet chaos in our world? Hmm...where else can I put taped boundaries for my kids' messes?! Wouldn't hurt to try clearing off your fridge. It even inspired me to clean the rest of my kitchen! That is amazing in and of itself!

If you haven't participated in the giveaway yet, click here! It ends SOON! There aren't many signed up...which means that is even better odds in winning!!!!!


Heather said...

I agree! I just cleaned off my fridge the other day!
If the sink is clean and the fridge is clean, it makes the whole kitchen seem clean!

Bethany said...

I NEEDED to read this post as my kitchen is now 'swallowing' itself in it's filth! Yep, I know...gross! Thanks for the tip! Also, thanks for the reminder about the giveaway...I need to blog about it right now! :)