Thursday, February 4, 2010

Learn to say GET NAKED in Spanish...

This is a picture of us in Cozmel. A few things just crack me up about the picture. First, it is the only one that we took that actually has us both in the picture. Even as we had the moment of realization that we hadn't taken any pictures, we asked a random lady to snap a shot. We could have faced the other way and had the ocean in the background or maybe even put down our stuff or even put down Robert's *coke*! Second, Robert received so many compliments with my overfilled beach bag on his shoulder. We are so pitiful in our picture taking when our kids aren't around!

The last time we were in Cozmel at Paradise Beach I was 4 months pregnant with Little Bit. As Robert indulged in one of these "on the beach massages", I just sat back in the chair wishing him muscle cramps because I couldn't get one! Well, this year, by golly, I got one. Robert is the haggler. It's not really that he is a good haggler. He just drives the other person crazy until they just give in to him so he'll go away. Well, he talked this guy Hector in this little tent thingie to do a massage for an hour for thirty dollars. Not bad, huh?

Well, Robert took me over there, assured me everything was fine and taken care of, and left. The guy started speaking spanish very quickly. I gathered that I was to lay face first. I was excited that my little bit of Spanish was kicking in...or that I was just a good guesser. Next, he started speaking again. Too bad I don't know how to tell him to slow down and I might figure out what he is saying. I was able to understand two words..."top" "off". I wasn't sure if I was understanding even those words...I was not taking my tankini top off in a sheer tent on the beach. Yes, I'm a little modest.

No, no Hector, I'm fine thanks! Well, I went to lay down face first, and he thinking that I still didn't understand him began to "help" me slide my straps off and my tankini down. I gave up by this time figuring at least I was still covered up...however, even with that, after breastfeeding two babies for almost a year each (they'll never be the same.sad.very sad.), it takes a little positioning to lay face first. This is what was rambling in my head. I just want to point out that men never have to worry about this kind of stuff. Never.

Between watching his toes (Scary men toes.) as my face was in the little donut (Yes, I had a round mark on my head that my husband never told me that I had for several hours) and trying to figure out what Hector was saying, I still managed to enjoy the massage. I tried to focus on the ocean sounds and the breeze. Then, I would get caught up trying to figure out what Hector was saying. It was like when you go get your nails done...I'm thinking the whole time that they are talking about me. Then, of course, I got lost trying to find Robert after the massage. I'm convinced he moved, and it was not just my lack of navigation skills! I tried to relay this story back to Robert. He just laughed and told me I worry too much. Yeah, yeah, a man named Hector didn't want him to get naked in a tent!

Check back to yesterday's post (click older post under this one) to sign up for the giveaway!

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