Friday, February 19, 2010

It's a Pirate's Life for ME!

I think that I have become the fastest typer ever. seriously, ever. See what happened was...I had a kid. She started rolling then crawling and finally walking. After she became mobile, the computer time had to be quick. really quick. If you aren't quick, she (now they) would just crawl on and over me until they are on top of me blocking the view to the computer and randomly pushing buttons. In order to outsmart my kids and still have my outlet of this machine (my laptop), my fingers had to get FAST! That is also why I write completely what is in my head...without rereading and without spell checking! So, never look to closely to my postings!

Okay, well, I went with my mom (thanks for joining us in our chaos) today to get my girls hair cuts. Little Bit got her very first haircut! I will share more on that next week because you know there is always (always) a drama filled story or adventure when it comes to our world or any world with kids.

Now on to the or rather my focus of the moment! Da da da dum....PIRATES. Yes, I'm serious about this. You heard me correctly. PIRATES. I am quite focused or possibly obsessed with pirates.

I really, really enjoy celebrating and planning parties, but I especially go a little nutsy for my kids birthday parties. I try hard to thrifty in my planning and preparations. I learned long ago to make a budget and buy early and slowly or I would be one of those people with a three ring circus pulling up to her yard. My husband and I both believe in celebrating birthdays BIG and special. I think he might have had something else in his head in thinking that than big children birthday parties, but seriously, who really runs our world...this mama, of course. He just looks at the pictures on the blog and doesn't read all the words so he'll never know...just don't tell him!:)

In the goal of planning ahead for LaLa's fourth birthday in March, I began asking her (last winter. ok, maybe fall) what theme she wanted for her birthday. From what I understood, she had chosen a princess party. I had this envision of the disney princesses, a bibbity boppity boutique, a princess visitor, dress up time, and so on. Then, she changed her mind from theme to theme to theme to theme. It messes with my world when they do things like this. Then, I decided I wasn't going to ask her anymore and do what I wanted because why should I ask a three year old...Well, maybe because it is FOR her, but I thought maybe I could just CONVINCE her of my great idea. I thought...oh, grand, let's do princess and pirates. It incorporated two themes she mentioned. Plus, we could still keep my six months of princess planning. My unique little one said, "Oh, mama, that's great. My friends will love being princesses, but I think I'll be a pirate." She has stuck on being a pirate. I just can't stomach making tutu dresses for dozens of little girls and hiring teenagers to do cute hair dos and invite a princess to visit when my LaLa will not be participating. Instead, she would be the one with the eye patch and the sword hunting for treasure. As a result, I have given up my princess party...until hopefully, next year. I plan on starting trying to convince her for her fifth party theme to be princesses the day after her fourth birthday party.

All the information was to ask my bloggy friends if you have ideas. Since I have succombed to the requests of the birthday girl (probably as it should be!), I have searched for ideas...a lot. I have found some cute stuff...get the dollar store (plates, decorations, eye patches, etc). I mainly need a cute birthday outfit for the birthday girl...her suggestions were a tutu, an eye patch, a "dook" rag (I think this is a "doo" rag...I'm not really ghetto...I'm not sure if that is even right. I asked her what she was talking about. She replied, "like daddy wears when he runs and bikes and what the pirate's crew wears"). By the way, she doesn't like the skull and cross bones. "They are spooky," she says. Totally limits a pirate theme. Hmmm...she sounds like a punk rocker pirate. I also need some cute activities (I really want a pirate or a parrot to come to my house. I know, I'm special). I am trying to think of some wonderfully cute invitations that I can copy create. Oh, I need a cute cake idea too! I usually make their cakes, but I am so thinking about cheating this year and buying one!

Anybody have any ideas?

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