Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Questions, Questions, and More Questions...
Where in the world does a three year old come up with these multitudes of questions? I can't process the questions much less the answers, and let me just tell you...I don't know is not an acceptable response to a three year old. If you have been through this phase, I would love to know how to endure it. Then, I wonder, "Am I not providing sufficient answers to support her inquisitive mind?" "When I make silly answers to just get her to move on, am I causing her irreversible harm?" "How can I effectively tune her out without shutting down her questions?" "Will this phase EVER go by?" Oh, my, now I'm asking a gabillion's contagious!
I counted today as we were in route from preschool, through the bank, and home. I counted over twenty questions in less than forty minutes! Seriously! Let me just share some of our craziness...
Mama, why are all the clouds different?
Mama, did you hear me? Mama, why do I have to wear my seat belt?
Mama, I asked you a question. Why is Little Bit making that noise?
Mama, I like Chick-fil-a. Are we going to eat there? Why not? Why do they give you fries? Do you like a fruit cup? Do they still have milkshakes? Should we get a milkshake?
Mama, Why is there two red lights? Why do they have a car like us?
Do you want a green car? Why are they out of suckers? Why are we at the bank?
Are we going home? Why are you going this way?
Mama, do you want to hear a joke? Why are there flowers beside the road?
Why is Little Bit a baby? Why doesn't she talk? What will I do when I'm four? I'm just three. I want to say I'm four. Why are there birds? Do they drink water? Are they three or four?
Why is there water? Do you like water? ears are ringing by this point! My child seems to never stop talking. I can handle that...but now that all of the talking is questions that require my constant attention and attempt at feasible is exhausting! Don't you remember those days when you just worked and worked for your little one to utter those first glorious words so she/he could communicate with you. I'm having one of those moments where I'm thinking...what in the world was I in such a rush about to get her to world will never be quiet again...a blessing and a curse all in one!
Mama Drama Rule #49: A phase is just that! When you're going through one with your child, just remember "this too shall pass"!~I need to post this somewhere visible so I'll survive and be encouraged through the onslaught of questions that I face daily!
What is going on?
Yeah, it seems to be fixed! I guess blogger was just in a mood!
A Mama's Dilemma: Is a shower a priority?
It's quite a juggling act to figure out just how to get a shower. Now, I'm not talking about a shower where you jump in and out and probably have suds still on have to leave the shower curtain or door open to view children and freeze in the meantime.
I'm talking about a complete and effective shower. One where you actually get to wash your hair, shave, and actually feel the water. Well, I believe those opportunities are few and far between if you have young children.
Options to try to get a wonderful shower...with kids...
1. Get up really early before anyone else...with the knowledge that you will be tired the rest of the day...and miss out on sleep.
2. Take a shower after everyone is in bed...again the sleep issue. A mama has to consider...hmmm..what is more important to me? Sleep or Shower? Me, personally, I'd rather be the stinkiest, dirtiest mama on the block and get a little more sleep!
3. Baby proof your room and let them play in your room while you shower...they will find something that is not baby proof and every two minutes you will hear various concerning noises.
4. Leave them in their bed or crib while you take a shower. I can't concentrate on the shower because they are usually miserable on this, LaLa learned to climb out of her crib at 18 months. I try not to give Little Bit any extra opportunity to practice that one!
5. Put in a movie. This is my normal route, but it is only effective for about 10 minutes so wait until you are actually about to get in the shower to start the movie. I can usually get at least one happy and involved in the movie...but the other one will still be fussing.
6. Put them in their rooms. I have friends that do this, but my kids aren't normal. They are too mischievous and creative for their own goods, and I guarantee this option would result in a emergency room visit or some sort of property damage.
7. Use a exersaucer or playpen to trap them nearby. This is another option that I often employ, but it only works for the younger ones, and even then, it doesn't last long at all. Then, your older ones may still escape...or better yet, teach the younger one on how to get out!
8. Put them in your empty tub (if you have a big tub and if your shower is separate) with toys. I have a friend that mentioned this one. I haven't tried it, but if it works, go for it.
9. When daddy is home, take a wonderful, long shower to make up for all the ones that were cut short and that you have missed. Lock the door, turn up music (to drown out the noise from your family), and shower....again, I think I'd nix the shower and take a quick nap!
10. Just give up on the shower until your kids are older.
Yeah, you may be dirty and stinky, but in the grand scheme of things, in this season of your have to prioritize what is most important to you! For me, sleep wins every time. Right now, I'm trying to convince myself that I should go clean my house, but again, a quick nap while my preschooler is at school and my Little Bit is sound asleep...just sounds so good! I'll just pull my hair back and put on some work out clothes on those days that I just can't indulge in a glorious shower. At least, then, people will think I have been healthy conscious and hard at work slaving away at the gym!
Mama Drama Rule #48: Each and every day, we have to prioritize what's most important to accomplish that best benefits our family. It so funny how your priorities change after children!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A Mama's Trauma: Am I Being Punked??
So, I have an appointment from 2-4. No problem, right? Well, you would think. A friend of mine has an emergency of sorts. And, because I worry about her (she tries to take on the world...all the time) & because she has that super mama syndrome (where she never lets friends help her...hope she's reading this!) and begged her to let me watch her two little girls while she had to run to the doctor. Her girls are both my girls ages so it's perfect playmates. We did puppet shows & played outside...crazy with two one year olds and two three year olds, but it was a lot of fun.
Well, the wonderful bug..let's say technician...had not arrived by four so I called the office. After being transferred twice, they contacted the tech to say they were running an hour late. Well, great, thanks for letting me know! So, we wait. An hour and a half late there is a knock on my door. It was an individual that was so tall she literally seemed to duck walking into my doorway...she wore a uniform bearing the companies name....long braided hair...had a deep voice...seemed kinda stocky, etc. I didn't think twice about it. She asked me what was the problem...I said, "Well, it's our regular monthly service they do, but I have seen a few little black ants on my tile in the last couple weeks and they won't go away." She asked probably a dozen ridiculous questions. Then, she asked, "Are all of these (referring to the children playing behind me) yours?" I explained that two were and two were a friends that had an emergency. She said, "they are just everywhere...talking about the kids." Let me point out that she still hadn't entered the house.
I won't go into the whole ordeal, but she basically told me that she couldn't spray inside because of the kids and couldn't spray outside because they would get chemically burned potentially for the next three weeks. Now, I have had this service for three years so I was concerned she was full of it or they had been doing this at the risk of my family. She asked us to we left to play outside...again...while she sprayed three rooms...maybe four of my house. Then, she went outside and we came inside. Four different times, she asked me to come outside to discuss bugs. Seriously, one time there was a dead beetle of some kind on the edge of my driveway. She came in, requested I come outside because she had something to discuss. I've never discussed so much with any bug tech ever! I grab one baby on each hip with two concerned preschoolers behind me and follow this person outside to see a cluster of ants on this beetle....seriously!
One time, she had me come outside and see that there were ants near my trashcan that we roll down the driveway. Hmm...imagine that. My husband drove up about then, and she had him move it. He moved it a few yards away looking confused at the chaos he drove up into. She said speaking to me, "See mam, this is why I think you need to have more ant knowledge if you have an ant problem. Sir, (to my husband) move it farther from your home." I told her I have a doctorate degree and ant knowledge was obviously left out of it...but if I had ant knowledge then I wouldn't need her! In response to her comment, my husband looked at me and moved the trash can another few yards away INTO the lot next door where they are building a house...I don't think they're going to go for that either. Our trashcan has been there for six years, and it's never been a problem. Probably because we pay her company to spray monthly!
She wanted to know why I had fences in my house...referring to the child gate at the bottom and the top of my stairs. She said she's never been in a house with fence. Odd person. The list of odd things, which I won't bore you with, continue until the grand finale!
Since we are trying to avoid being in the know because she scared us to death of being in our house after she sprayed for our ants (seriously, I have seen maybe 10-20 in three weeks). We decided to take the kids...all four...for a walk. I didn't want to leave this odd person alone in my house so I asked if she was finished (as she was putting her equipment away)....I asked if she sprayed the exterior of the house...she said she wouldn't because I have kids! (They have every month for three years...never telling me it's the way, I called and it's not.)
Let me emphasize that four little ones are vying for my attention during all of this. I had already discussed with the tech that our former tech that consistently came out, Kevin, never mentioned these concerns, which made me concerned on what was reality. I look at my husband and say, "Kevin never told me any of this. I can't imagine that it's dangerous or why in the world would they have been doing this service for the last few years."
I continued to say to my husband, "Did he ever mention it to you." The tech turns around and says... I kid you not..."I don't appreciate being called a HE. I'm a transgender, and I've worked very hard to overcome being a HE to be a SHE." WHAT?! Let me repeat...WHAT?! I said, "excuse me?! I don't care if you are a he or a she. I care about the safety of my family and the service that you are here to provide. Your gender is your business, but I was referring to our former tech, Kevin, who was a HE. You are mistaken and you are obviously insecure with whatever you are or were. I'll have someone else come and finish my services." Then, when she/he left...I had to ask my husband what in the world a transgender was. Wow, was I shocked. At first, I thought it was a man dressing up as a girl...just a guess...I don't know!?! Yes, I'm sheltered.
Now, I have a different person coming out next week to do my this point...what's the point?! I contacted California...who laughed hard at the story. I am not at the point of laughing at the situation quite yet! I'm sure I'll get there. I also have supervisor names and corporates phone number...and now, additional stuff to do on my Monday list. Hopefully, at least my friends can get a laugh from my mama trauma! Frustrating to say the least, a learning experience...maybe...made a Friday evening interesting....absolutely!
Mama Drama Rule #47: Sometimes being sheltered can be a blessing in disguise! Remember that with your kiddos! Filter what the world teaches them...there are times at my age I even wish I had a filter from the world's lessons too!
Friday, September 25, 2009
What's Your Wish?
The author is Debbie Macomber. From what I can tell, she writes happy, easy reads for women that are uplifting and sweet. This particular book is Twenty Wishes. It's about these women who join this book club. They are all widows from all walks of life that become great friends. One of the characters come up with the concept of 20 wishes.
Twenty wishes are a list of things you want to do, go, meet, etc. one day. They may or may not be possible because they are simply wishes of your heart. You have to be careful not to include goals...just wishes. The wishes gave these women that had lost hope and experienced pain and loss a bigger purpose and perspective for their life. It helped them see beyond the present...and into the potential of the future.
Think about it. What would be on your list of twenty wishes? It was harder than I thought to come up with twenty, and once I started thinking about it, they were more interesting than even I thought they could be. I have only thought of a few, but how neat would it be to compile a list of twenty let your heart dream and your mind not put reality into the realm....just your heart.
Try it. Make a list of the first few wishes that pop in your head. A list...actually writing them down...makes the wish real in a sense. I so often scrapbook my children and letters to my kids or about my kids. I rarely include something about me, but how neat would it be if I included my twenty wishes in their scrapbook or their baby book!? So, that's my plan! If you need a quick, sweet, easy book, this book is just what you need...regardless, go write your twenty wishes down!
Mama Drama Rule #46: Sometimes our hearts hold more of our dreams than our minds ever will. The goal is to give each one--your mind and your heart---the opportunity to be heard.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Nation of Vaccinations-How do you know what to do?
It's frustrating at the lack of options that we mamas are given when it comes to something as controversial and scary as shots. My problem with them is it is considered a "one size fits all" for children. They same shots are given to children at the same time. Some little bodies can handle this and some can't. That is where I think doctors and such have to step back, provide parents with more information (not bent one way or the other...just unbiased facts) and let parents use their gut to make decisions. However, there are obvious problems with that also. My pediatrician pointed out that so many parents would choose the lazy way out not because of their strong beliefs or inclination but because no copays, no dr. visits, and no thought behind it. That's frustrating too!
The major problem, in my own opinion, is that the information out there is biased. It is either somehow sponsored by the vaccination companies or someone getting kickbacks or it is the other extreme represented by the small minority (although my heart goes out to them) that have been affected negatively by the shots. Then, you have doctors that won't even discuss the issue. I mean, "hello!? did you forget that I pay you and I birthed this child not you? So, knock off the initials at the front of your name & pretend you're a parent as concerned as I am about what is being put in my baby?!" I, personally, contacted 8 doctors before I found one that would consider my perspective on shots and let me be the decision maker...with his input and support. Honestly, we, mamas, don't have time to go through 8 doctors, research unbiased opinion, etc. Unfortunately, that is the way it is!
Through my research and my experience with these families that were affected...and more importantly, my gut...I'll share what works for us. And, honestly, it's a pain. It would be easier to just go with the government's opinion...because that is what doctors and insurance companies go along with also. With both of girls, I decided that I don't know a half of what I need to know about these shots and their ingredients. I know they need some of them. I know they have to be marginally safe to be provided to the public...notice I say marginally because years from now...who knows what they will find out! I was told not to use a pacifier with LaLa and two years later...I was encouraged to use a pacifier because of SIDS! It changes, but pacifier use is one thing and injecting my kids with stuff is another.
So, until the doctors and the government get their acts together on the issue. I give my girls most of the shots. In my opinion, there are a couple they don't need, but I'll let you research and decide that for yourself. Then, I split them all up over time. They are finished with their shots by 30 months rather than the average 24. Do you know when they are just 2 months old, they usually get 7 shots? Seriously, look it up. It's Pediarix-"1 vaccine for 5 diseases". It's three injections, but one shot has five combined in it. They did that so parents would not freak out basically and less pokes for the child. Regardless, that's too much, in my opinion, for a little body. Now, every body is different so each choice is different.
Unfortunately, you can rarely find anyone that splits up these combo shots such as Pediarix and the MMR anymore. I will let them give the shot...wait 14-30 days determining on the shots side effects recommendation, and we will come back for the others. For the controversial ones and the stronger ones, I tend to wait until they're older. Then, I feel their bodies are stronger. I also feel it gives me the opportunity to really watch for any changes or differences in speech or behavior, which is what is debated about whether these shots are connected to injuries, allergies, and disabilities. I also won't give any shots if my child is so much as acting sniffly or acting like they might be sick. By the way, I get a lot of leery looks even at my doctors office from the PAs and the nurses. I don't care though!
Is my way the right way? Probably not. But, this is the only way that I could determine after taking in all the facts on both ends that met in the middle ground. It gave me confidence in giving them shots...when my confidence was low on what the CDC was saying, these drs. were saying, and the extreme ends on either sides were saying. Ultimately, you have to remember, I truly believe there is not a right way and a wrong way. It has to be done what is right for YOUR child. You are the mama or the daddy. They are YOUR child. FIGHT for what you want to do...regardless of what the doctor or anyone tells you. There way isn't right's usually what's easiest and best for the masses...not your little one in particular.
Go with your gut, but don't be ignorant. Know what you believe and why because you will have to fight for it...regardless if it's shots or something else in your child's life. People take you seriously if you know what you are talking about...rather than 'just because'. I also encourage you, regardless what you believe in shots or scheduling, to keep track of their shots personally. You would not believe how often it is messed up and not even realized. Also, always check the shot that they are giving your child...don't just trust them that it is the right one! They give a lot in one day and go in five different directions at ask to see visually that it is the right one.
Mama Drama Rule #45: Remember that they are your children and you get to make the decisions. If your gut tells you something and you research and ask questions and still feel that something is wrong, then don't be intimidated about someone being a doctor or a teacher or a government agency. They look out for themselves and look out for the masses. Your child is an individual and yours. Very often, you will know best.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Football Fun with a Little One!
1. This is the simplest and my favorite...and it works really well. Place a small tv on the floor (make sure you don't put it somewhere where a little one can pull on it and will fall on them) and have them a dvd going. They can feel like they are watching football with the big people, but when their attention starts waning, they can zone back into their own shows.
2. Make it a party. The littlest things make it a party...and make it really exciting. Put out snacks with a football theme in mind. My husband and his 'man' friends enjoy these as much as the little ones. (ex. sweets in the shapes of footballs, cheese ball in a football shape, etc.)
3. Have "accessories" that are just for football games. These are special fun bowls or silly straws or chopsticks, etc.
4. Break the little rules. We lay a blanket on the floor in the living room and eat in there. It's kinda like a picnic inside and makes them super excited!
5. Make it a game. This one is kind of a twist on the old baby shower game. Pass out necklaces (cheap beaded ones! the dollar store usually has a pack for a dollar) and list 3 words that you can't say...ex. football, go, and run. When someone says (or yells at the tv in our house) and they get caught, whoever caught them gets the necklace. The person with the most necklaces at the end of the game wins. (bragging rights, a pack of m&ms, etc.) By the way, the kids always win! The crazy guys yelling at the tv never do, and they even try to trick the little ones to get their necklaces back!
6. Have two jars with each of the teams mascots on the front or labeled with team names...when one of the teams score, have a little one put a marble or something (bigger items work better visually for little ones) in that team's jar. This even helps me remember who is winning when I'm not into it! It makes the kiddos get involved waiting for touchdowns!
7. Do a touchdown dance! My LaLa and her Daddy have this down to a fine art!
8. If you look back on one of my older posts, I wrote about the wonderful value of a box and little ones! We had this box in our living room for football, and the kids were so busy coloring the box and making a fort that they were completely occupied! So, something as odd and creative and CHEAP as a big box can be a great addition to football fun!
9. Get the family decked out in their favorite team or favorite team colors! My LaLa has to have her Bulldog BOW when it's Georgia playing. Check out ebay or find a friend that might pass one down to your kids or find a cute jersey or cheerleading outfit (these are especially cheap at the end of the think ahead and buy for next year).
10. It takes a little more work, but have a box of "crafty" stuff that you bring out just during the game. Water colors are something that we don't do often around here and it keeps mine pretty busy. I only pull it out when I need them focused and busy on something else. Or, you know that big roll of craft paper (3.99 at Michaels)? I roll it out across the kitchen floor and let them have at it with crayons, markers, etc. Even my Little Bit can manage coloring on it, and the kids seem to get really creative with it. This is great if you have multiple kids and multiple ages...and it's great to have out if you are having friends over to watch the game!
11. Have something you pull out that makes it seem festive...for example, the dollar store always has those megaphones that would be fun to use or decorate, small footballs, clappers, a whistle (not so brave enough for this one with my 3 year old and all of her air to blow), flags, etc. Think cheap and creative and stock up secretly when you see them around.
12. One more and most importantly...make the little ones feel a part of the game and its activities. Then, it will end up being a fun, family tradition that you can do year after year...and not pull your hair out!
Mama Drama Rule # 44: Make everyone from the littlest to the biggest feel a part of the family fun...regardless if it's a holiday or football or moving. IF they feel like it's special and they're a part of the big people fun, they will enjoy it and be a lot more acceptable of the event!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Funnies from a Three Year Old...
We were watching football on Saturday. She said, "Boy, these football players stop for a lot of comushrooms. What are they doing why we watch the comushrooms?" (comushrooms are commercials we figured out.)
She and her daddy were laying in bed reading a book..."Daddy, I'm so comfortable with you." He says, "LaLa, what does comfortable mean?" She replied seriously and concerned that her daddy didn't know, "it means...ya know..cozy."
Her daddy took she and her sister to Elmo last minute on Sunday when a friend had some extra tickets. This is the first big outing daddy has done with the girls. I asked LaLa how did daddy do (trying to get some inside information). She said, "Well, he had to have some help from everybody, but he had a big bag of snacks and even remembered to smell Little Bit's diaper before we left. He was a good sharer too." (Now, I know what makes a good parent in her eyes!)
I asked, "LaLa, did you have fun going to watch Elmo's show?" She replies,"Yes, it was lots of fun and my friend was there. But I dance better than Elmo...maybe I can help him out next time we go." (definitely no problem with her self confidence)
I have to add this one even though it's not LaLa. One of my best friends, Pepper (seriously that is what my kids call her), came down with her two little ones to go to the coupon class with me. Her three year old, Caleb, says "mail truck". The first time I heard him say it was over the phone, and I said, "WHAT did he just say?!" His tr sound sounds like the f sound...making a very interesting new word that he innocently says as for mail truck!
My husband gets mad at our two rowdy little dogs often, but he really loves them deep down...he just gets frustrated with the high maintenance tendencies of a Chihuahua and a Yorkie. He has said before as he was opening the back door to let them go potty in our fenced in yard, "ugh, sometimes I wish those dogs would just run away." LaLa tells daddy, "that's not nice." And, I try to explain to her..."it's not nice and daddy doesn't mean it...he's just frustrated." Let me add, I would probably need therapy if my dogs ran away. LaLa was getting frustrated with Little Bit following her around and trying to do everything she was doing and said, "UGH, I'm going to let you out and wish you run away if you don't stop vunsterating me!"
I asked LaLa what her favorite thing is about ballet. I just new it was going to be her teacher or the cute outfits or the tap shoes or the twirling. She said, "All of the mirrors. I like to watch myself."
As we walked into Wal-mart with my mom yesterday, LaLa went up to this pole at the entrance holding the carts in and tried to swing around it. She is my monkey and is always trying to scale, climb, or swing on something. I said, "don't do that. You could fall." Now, the last time we had this conversation about swinging on a pole she told me she was "petending" to be a fireman going to a fire. So, I said, "that's not a fireman's pole so let's not swing on it." She said, "No, mommy, I wasn't swinging on it like a fireman. I just want to dance and swing on the pole." Ummm....oh dear....where did that come from? My mom and I just looked at each other. Hopefully, that isn't a career choice down the road!
In the grocery store, I told LaLa and Little Bit to look at how good that little girl was behaving sitting so quietly and still in the grocery cart...thinking I would encourage my wild little munchkins by pointing out positives in another little kid that we passed. In response, LaLa patted Little Bit's head and said, "Well, she nevers sits still and I still have ants in my pants (something I had mentioned days ago) and so I'll tell her good job when our buggy passes hers." Oh, well, that didn't work.
LaLa yells, "COUPON, COOOOOPPPPOOOONNNN, mommy!" when she sees the blinkie coupon machines at the store. I thank her for helping and grap one. This elderly lady said, "oh, aren't you a sweet and smart girl. do you like coupons, honey." LaLa replies, "Coupons help you save money. I'll give you one and you can give me moneys for it if you wants to." She proceeds to hold out a coupon to the lady. I just smile and shake my head completely embarrassed. Grocery shopping is worse than survivor lately!
Tomorrow, I'm sharing good ideas that we've used and stolen from others to help you survive the football season with little ones...and even enjoy it yourself!
Monday, September 21, 2009
I'm a Coupon Class Graduate
It's funny how many people around here seriously know her as the coupon lady. I spent several hours at her house on Saturday with several of my wonderful, money-saving friends and some new friends that I had the opportunity to get to know. The coupon lady is an animated red head with a full personality and love for life. She opened up her home...her food (she is also a chef...yummy) and her wonderful world of coupons to us. I left there with a large goody bag of items that she had collected at Publix...and let me emphasize even got overage on the items(paid back for buying!). She sent us home with handfuls of inserts and coupons, a wonderful notebook of store policies and extra information, the lingo of the coupon world, and so much more that my brain still hasn't even processed!
I came home...quite excited and quite exhausted. Finally, I put the children to bed and my hubby went to my brother's house to watch some football, and I was left to explore the world of couponing! I spent hours on the computer and going through my class information. So, the next day, I was ready to really, really try it out. First, we went to church. Now, everyone knows you are hungry when you leave church...and I didn't factor this in. Next, let me explain that I did have my husband and two little lunch the grocery store. Needless to say, I didn't do as well as I hoped to, but I did pretty good. I spent 42ish dollars & saved 58 dollars, according to the receipt. Just some of the stuff that I purchased was a couple bags of charcoal, 12 dollars of pork (I did get this free), 2 bbq sauces (free), 2 boxes of wheat thins, 2 boxes of granola bars, 2 glass cleaners, 2 johnson soaps, bread, bananas, boars head turkey, 2.5 lb. turkey, organic milk, 2 newspapers, head of lettuce, betty crocker fruit snacks, etc.
Now, I know most people would be so pumped with my savings, but you haven't met the coupon lady. I just wish someone in the world would post...use this coupon and buy this mine as well buy lots because it's a great price or better yet, it's free. I so want to master the free stuff. I also want someone to lay out...step one do this...step two do this...when you are making a list and couponing. I know it can be done thanks to my couponing friends! I have had several of my friends that went to the class call me in the last two days so excited about their savings! I'm so pumped and proud of them! Keep it up and we'll share the goodies that we find!
The coupon lady is amazing. She gave us the tools and the foundation. Then, she sent us to build the rest. She was so generous with her knowledge and her stuff! She showed me so many possibilities...that I think I have to be disappointed with anything not up to her level! I'm working toward it though! I've realized that it does take time, but saving money is definitely worth investing some time.
I'm just trying to've got to crawl before you walk...walk before you run...shouldn't I know this as a mama?!
Mama Drama Rule #42: Anything that is worth doing is going to take time and effort!
Friday, September 18, 2009
I lost my stroller...and my mind!
Do you know what happened to it? The next day, my mom mentioned the last time she remembers me using it was three...almost four weeks..ago when we visited this store in Griffin with both girls. They have baby stuff, fabric, and embroidery stuff...basically, Tammy's Disney world. Somehow, I walked out, and completely left...seriously, left my stroller sitting there. Looking back, I guess I should be grateful that I walked out with my kids. My mom had walked out with Little Bit while I paid and walked out with maybe that makes it a little more excusable, but regardless, it seems like I would have noticed. Then, I didn't notice it for that long! Oh, those wonderful people still had my stroller for me! They were going to wait a certain amount of bless them! I was able to go get it the next day! This is why it pays to go to small, wonderful stores and not always the bigger chains! A large store would have never kept my stroller, and these people that I had never met before this one visit...kept my stroller until my brain registered! So, stroller is back home...but my brain is still missing! I'm so glad I got my doctorate before I had my children...I think I lost brain cells when I had my girls...and still losing them daily!
Oh, by the way, if you want to visit my personal Disney World...with baby boutique stuff and clothes, fabric, patterns, embroidery, etc. etc...the store is Hankie Pankie in Griffin, Ga...but beware if you google that...weird stuff come up...but the store will be one of the first things! Young at Heart is the sewing portion of the either is "googable"( word!).
Mama Drama Rule #41: Just know your body is not the only thing to go when you have're brain follows shortly after!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Family Organization: Central Message Center...finished!
Progress has been made! I worked on my "central message center" today! It's been a work in progress through researching and making my goodies. I decided I had to split it up because it would look too "cluttery" together, which is exactly what I'm working on fixing in my world! So, I put the family things here beside our "main exit" where our garage door is. Here we also have a hook for our bags and jackets. I included our family calendar, a clipboard with our menu on it, a clipboard with our shopping list, a cup for pens (I like certain pens for certain events on the calendar, OCD, I know!?), and a dry erase board assigned for each family member. For example, tonight, I put "take out the trash" and "please hang picture" on Robert's (hubby). Then, technically, I didn't have to ask (or nag in boy world) him, and he just knew what needed to be done...and better yet....did it! Yeah! I also put a small magnetic dry erase board on the garage door for things to remember to take when I leave...I have issues hopefully this will help!
My next thing to work on is to add a bulletin board above our desk with our daily kind of stuff (who goes where) and to work on LaLa's chore chart. I'm on a hunt for a chair for our desk too...yep, our desk is "chairless"! Makes it difficult to do a lot of productive stuff, but I guess it helps you lose weight and get fit while you are on working because you have no choice but to stand!
Let me just tell you what I learned through this little project! I have perfectionist issues...seriously. I can hear the people that know me, did you not know this?! But, hear me out. My perfectionism gets me in more trouble than anything else most of the time. I always thought this as a great aspect of my personality or at least a quirky part of what made Tammy special! Did I mention that Tammy means PERFECTION. See, my parents destined me for this obsession long before I had control of it...or that's a good excuse anyway.
As I was researching all of this clutter control and organization on the websites that I listed yesterday, I read, in almost all of them, that a great hindrance in getting and staying organized is becoming sidetracked or distracted. For me, I get sidetracked or distracted because of my kids (of course), my trying to be too much of a perfectionist, and by being crafty (yes, it can be a negative aspect too!).
I missed the focus of the give my family a central location for alleviate my brain holding or forgetting all things in our world. Instead, I spent valuable time spray painting a clipboard, covering one clipboard with cute scrapbook paper, painting a bulletin board for over the desk, punching out cute letters and gluing them on magnets, and researching...boy, time flies on the computer, huh?! Did you notice the cute ribbon that I embroidered for the pen cup? So cute...see you can use embroidery anywhere and everywhere, but...once again, my craftiness took over the focus! Hey, Rome wasn't built in a I guess I will have to be a work in process just like my goal to organize and be more efficient! Ultimately, I'm happy with my project, but I need to learn to release my need to be perfect and focus on how it affects my family!
Mama Drama Rule #40: No mama can be perfect...make this your mantra...and just do your best and keep your focus on what's important!
POSTS Coming Soon:
**I lost my double stroller. It is now found, but yeah, I actually lost a stroller...long story...lots of drama...I think I may be losing it...fortunately, I remembered the kids...just not my stroller.
**Tidbits from the coupon class.
**Ideas of how to survive football season with little kids & your big kids. How to make everyone in the house happy and able to watch in peace!
**Okay, upcoming post is serious! I have been discussing and debating, according to your perspective, vaccinations (especially the N1H1 (swine flu) vaccine)...with lots of friends and family lately. First of all, let me state, you're the mama, you go with your gut! It's overwhelming and scary at the same time. I'll share my research & my opinion...feel free to share's all part of this mama's drama...and probably yours too! So, check back in soon...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
My brain is FULL and so is the front of my FRIDGE!
Today, we were at Michaels and my three year old got out a piece of paper where she had written her "list", which was just scribbles, but it was funny to me that she had made a list before we left the house. Then, we run into Target, and there is a lady with a clipboard...I guess taking inventory or something... LaLa asked her if she was checking her list. The lady told her that she was just checking the stuff on the shelf. LaLa continued to explain that she should make a list so she won't forget anything. The stranger just smiled and stated she was such a cute, outgoing little girl. (Which probably're child is talking to a stranger and asking a lot of questions please help me because we passed the cute point already!) Poor thing, LaLa is probably going to end up as list crazy as her mama!
Okay, so today in my efforts to be more uncluttered and organized, I decided that I need to focus on a central message center for our family. Now, we actually have one that is on our fridge, but it also has pictures, magnets, toys that sing, calendars and reminders from here and there, and all sorts of other things! Needless to say, it was quite overwhelming. You know, my fridge is white…I had forgotten that behind all of the chaos! Hence, the need to find and create a central home message center! Of course, I had to research first! Then, I decided what I thought would be the most important things to include…
1. Clipboard for lists: ooohhh…I like lists! This would be for groceries, errands, etc.
2. Calendar: our calendar is vital in our family!
3. A dry erase board or chalkboard for the kids and for the adults…for notes/reminders.
4. A spot for my “family binder”-it has “everything” in it
5. A place for our families’ folders-each one of us has a folder…for school stuff, reminders, invites, mail, etc.
6. A bulletin board
7. My menu planning list
8. Chore list for LaLa-this is a work in process!
While I was at it, I thought I would make them extra cute while I was at it! It’s funny because some of the sites I found had the same ideas that I had! I just had regular folders that we have been using, but then I saw those cute ones with the letters and totally stole the idea!
Here are the sites that I really liked! (My favorite and most of my inspiration!)
If you have one already, I’d love to hear your ideas! Mine is in process for now…so the more ideas…the more I can steal or borrow your great ideas!:)
I’ll post the picture as soon as it’s finished!
Mama Drama Rule #40: A mama’s brain can only remember so much! So, take some stress off of your brain and make some LISTS!
Coupon Update: I've been getting emails from the "coupon lady" that is teaching the class this weekend. She's a good week to buy soups, frozen meals (weight watchers, lean cuisines, etc.) and cereals. Go to the manufactorers' websites and the SUNDAY PAPER had coupons for a lot of these! If they are already on sale and you use a coupon, extra good deal! I'm learning how to stock and save! I'm so excited about the coupon class Saturday...still one opening!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Most Important Way to Spend Your Time
Monday, September 14, 2009
Half Birthdays: An excuse to celebrate!

I'm taking a break from my obsession with decluttering and organizing to brag about my wonderful hubby! He has to hear...more often than not...when he does something wrong so I figured when he does something right, I should definitely point it out! All women know, it's kind of like when your children do something right, you praise them to encourage positive behavior...husbands are the same way. It's easy to forget to notice the small stuff with all the focus on the little ones!
Somehow in my childhood, half birthdays were created and adopted. It's a wonderful concept; however, at almost thirty, I am definitely the only one out of my family that still celebrate them (Well, my mom will sneak us a gift and use our half birthdays as an excuse!) and probably one of the only adults still celebrating them! I love them though...honestly, probably more than my regular birthday! My real birthday is in the midst of our anniversary, valentines day and several other family members birthdays. I'm usually too tired to enjoy it and celebrate it! My half birthday though is in the beginning of fall...right when all the holidays are just about to start, but still before the stress and chaos. The air and excitement of fall and a new season is just within reach. Plus, it is such a great pick me up to get a cake, a small present, and to feel special on a random, unexpected day!
I encourage you to find any excuse to celebrate life. We usually don't even realize all of our missed opportunities to celebrate life until we are faced with a tragic end of it....don't wait until then! Half birthdays are especially great if you have a summer birthday and miss out on having a special day during the school year. What about those December birthdays? How wonderful would it be to have a special day that you don't have to share with the chaos and stress of the holiday season. Even if only you celebrate your special day, it's still worth it. Reward yourself with a special treat and do something special.
Despite his skepticism in the beginning of our dating relationship, my husband has embraced the half least for his three girls. He made mine very special (without reminders I might add). He brought me beautiful sunflowers, a chocolate and strawberry cake, and I treated myself to a couple new books! Regardless if you embrace the idea of a half opportunity to eat cake and get surprises, can't be all that bad! So, check the calendar and find an excuse to celebrate and make a memory!
Mama Drama Rule #38: Never stop celebrating birthdays...getting older is much better than the alternative!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My Newest Project: Clearing out the Clutter!
How does a mama get rid of clutter? I look around my house and don’t even know where to start! Well, at least the clutter hides the mess. I consider clutter as anything not in a 'designated' place/home and anything that is not needed or used! For some reason over the last couple weeks, I have become obsessed with clearing out the clutter and getting organized, but as you start clearing out the clutter, you notice the mess. And with a mess...comes me here I am wanting to be so organized and clutter a mess, depressed, and obsessed! What a combination! Have you ever been there before?
As you know, I have to research everything when I start something, and of course, I probably could have thoroughly accomplished my task in the same time that I spent researching! I think all mamas have the same problem. We start a task…when we finally decide where we should actually start…then we get interrupted by the chaos that is our life…and our little distractions that we call children! Then, it really happened! I realized that my children are becoming as confined by the clutter in our house as I am! My little attempts at staying organized cannot be accomplished without getting rid of the clutter too!
So, on this little journey, I have discovered something really neat that I want to share! My hubby looked at me really funny when I first explained this concept a couple weeks ago, but slowly he has noticed that it is actually making a difference in our little world and in our little family. As I saw him “shining the sink” this morning, I realized that he has jumped on the bandwagon too. I am still a novice at the entire concept, and I continually find new things when I visit this particular site…when there is actually time. However, as I read throughout the various concepts, I felt like the author was actually talking directly to me! My perfectionism often restricts my abilities to keep a home like I really want. You know where you go to bed thinking, “Well, I didn’t get this and this done, but I’ll just try to do better tomorrow. I felt (and still feel…but at least going in the right direction now!) that I was so overwhelmed with so many things that I WANTED to do and with the mama that I WANTED to be that I couldn’t even get to that point! Through quite a deal of research, I came across the site,
I encourage you to check it out. I wish someone would have told me about these concepts years ago when I ‘retired’ from teaching and had to give up our wonderful cleaning lady! It holds you accountable, provides a guide, and it’s perfect for the perfectionist in all of us. I feel like it’s giving me focus on getting done what I want to get done! At times and especially when this mama’s drama takes over, it makes me feel overwhelmed all over again, and I have to remember that I can’t make any progress that way…and I’m not following the “flylady’s advice” on taking “babysteps”…then, I refocus and start over! Let me know what you think! I’m about to make the notebook portion that she talks about. I’ll keep you posted on my progress, but let me just tell you…just this week, I cleaned the top off my refrigerator (seriously!), received a compliment from a visiting friend about my sink (She wanted to know if I got a new sink when I got my cabinets painted a few weeks ago! It’s not…it’s just clean! It was like God jumped down and patted me on the back!), and cleaned my entire laundry room, painted it a happy color, and it’s now one of my favorite rooms(maybe it will inspire me to do better with keeping up with laundry...I obviously haven't gotten to that portion of her lessons yet)!
*Flylady & all of her concepts mentioned above are Copyright 2001 - 2009 FlyLady and Company, Inc.
Mama Drama Rule #37: In anything in life…Getting started is half of the battle!
Coupon Update: I was told that there is double inserts in the paper today...great for collecting coupons. There is also one opening left in the coupon class we are going to in McDonough, Ga next week, if you are interested! I can't wait to share with you all the wonderful things that we learn! I get giddy when I get to go to "school"...of any kind! I know I'm a nerd!:)
Friday, September 11, 2009
Imagination Makes the World HAPPY!
I always make popcorn for my girls...and Robert...with things hidden inside like goldfish or little pretzels and m&ms or skittles...sweet, salty, and popcorn! I didn't think about LaLa's "bestest" friend not knowing this & so a few minutes went by...she was digging in her popcorn and exclaims "a SKEEEETLE" and just started going crazy showing everybody. It was hilarious.
The world of a three year old's imagination has just made my night so happy! How blessed I am to be able to spend time with my family...and their "bestest" a box!
Mama Drama Rule #36: Sometimes the happiest moments in a child's life are the ones enhanced by their imagination! I know the best inspiration for my imagination are my kids!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Monogram Madness: Halloween shirts
Part 3: Laugh or Cry? The most memorable car trip of my life…
We finally make it to the condo after a couple more stops and several hours later. Both kids are contentedly sleeping in their seats. We explain the situation to the first security officer we see at the gate’s entrance. He tells us to go the other entrance and tell them. We go to the second security officer at the second gate entrance and explain that we are here…hours away from home…without our key. I really think they assume we are lying and are trying to break in. They walkie talkie somebody, say somebody from security will meet us at the building, and tell us to go to the original gate entrance. We go back to the original gate entrance and are sent to our building. We get to our building, and Robert and I go in to meet Barney Fife…I mean the security officer sent to help us. I was thinking…are you serious…is this a joke? I wish I could vividly describe this man to adequately give you an idea of how closely he acted like dear old Barney Fife with a few extra pounds on him. Let’s just say…he took his job as security officer very, very seriously.
He had this notepad and took down our name. I spelled our last name 11 times, letter by letter. He still wrote Robert’s name ending with a “y” (which would be Robery???) and our last name with a “J” despite how many times I said “G”. I wanted to take his little pen and do it for him! I explained the situation. He looked at both of our owner cards, our licenses, and then asked the questions that I just explained to him already. Sir, I explain slowly…we need security to get us into the maintenance office or to the building director’s office. They have keys to all the owner’s condos for emergencies.
He nods and swags his way to take us up to the 19th floor. Concerned, I explain to him that we are owners not renters, he won’t have a key. He says, “Missy (seriously, he called me missy. my husband gently put his hand on my arm knowing I was about to physically attack him), this is my building, I got a key to everything” and pats his ring of keys like an affectionate pet. He proceeds to push the 19th button to the elevator again. I say, “no, sir, it’s the 20th floor. And, I believe the maintenance office would be where we need to get the key or the director of the building's office.” He says, “mam, I know what I’m doing. This is my building.” I’m thinking…but resisted saying…sure, I’m sure you know even though it’s our condo for the last 6 years, and you wrote down a “J” every time I said “G”." We get to 19, and he says…"well, it must be 20". He looked at us like he was telling us our mistake for being on 19. We get off on 20…there are only 2 condos on this floor. It seems like you would know this information…being it’s your building, Barney!
We go to the door, and he pulls out a ring with over a gazillion keys. He says, “This is a hard lock. I thought it was going to be a card swiper. I don’t think I have a key for this. I can’t open it for you. I guess you’re just out of luck.” I, again, explain where the key should be. Long story short, we walked with this man for over an hour to various places, and he once again decided we were out of luck. This security man should not have been given a ring of keys much less any authority. We try to break in with a credit card…no luck. We consider sleeping in the truck. We call a couple locksmiths…a lot of money. We wake up my dad for his inspiration…no luck. He is usually the most resourceful person I know...but you can't expect a lot from someone at 4 in the morning. We walk around the parking lot thinking. We walk around the lobby thinking. We talk to Barney Fife again. We consider a hotel. We consider crying. We consider sleeping in the lobby.
We call the head of security, despite our little Barney Fife standing there with his arms on his hips assuring us it would do no good because he’s already reported the situation to him. Head of security gives us a number to the building director’s after hours person...he’s not sure how much this will help. What can we lose at four in the morning? The on call lady tells us, “Yes, security can let you in. They obviously just don’t know what they are doing. We’ll call them. Then, we’ll call you.” They contact Barney Fife and he begrudgingly leaves his post of chatting with a buddy about his “busy night” helping us who forgot our key and about some people after hours playing in the pool. Fortunately, crime is low in the area because I have no faith in the protection of Barney Fife! Miraculously, he is able to discover the key and let us in. We get in at about four thirty in the morning….both girls are awake. The director makes a spare key the following day and apologizes for Barney. She is our hero. As any good southerner, I’ll respond with “God bless that man” every time I speak of Barney!
Little Bit was all revved up and didn’t sleep until about six. LaLa, who had slept in the car and quickly fell back asleep after we unpacked, got up at seven. Oh, what a night. I seriously wondered if it was all a joke, but it was all so ridiculous…all you could do was laugh. The rest of the trip was great. Little Bit and I took a long nap the next morning, and then everyone else got to take a nap that afternoon. We were blessed with great memories, good weather, and yummy food. I was just glad I lived to tell about the trip down there…because I wasn’t sure if I would at times!
Mama Drama Rule #35: If you are faced with a situation where your only two choices are laughing or crying, go with laughing…at least you’ll burn some calories at the same time!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Part 2…Traveling with kids…still on our car trip!
LaLa and I run into the bathroom. We literally waited ten minutes for a lady to exit the bathroom. Let me just tell you…it was scary stinky dirty. I am threatening LaLa not to touch anything. I am trying to convince her not even to breathe. Don’t you wish a three year could hover?! On our way out, there are dozens of shady characters loitering. I’m just hoping my sleepy, very observant, and very honest three year old doesn’t pull out one of her not-so appropriate comments. We walk on the sidewalk directly in front of this parked SUV, and they impatiently and (I’m assuming) coincidently honked their horn to alert someone they were done waiting on them. It was so unexpected in our groggy state…and rude for that matter that LaLa about jumped four feet directly into my arms. I just about jumped out of my skin and peed in my pants. With a dirty look and thoughts about how ridiculously stupid they were acting, we walked to the truck. I put LaLa in the truck with questions of how much longer, and I got Little Bit changed….or I thought I did.
We drove an hour or so, and Little Bit was just being so difficult to entertain. LaLa had fallen asleep, but Little Bit was not interested in sleeping, watching a movie, or any of my tricks in my bag, toys, snacks, singing…absolutely nothing. We finally decided to stop, but what is open after 12 in the morning…not much! We find a gas station with the lights on after driving 20 minutes with an inconsolable one year old hoping she doesn’t wake up her sister. We pull over in the parking lot, and the lady sweeping the floor within the store shakes her head no…they are closed. Well, we don’t care. We just want your parking lot. We get Little Bit out, and she is SOAKED…her seat is SOAKED. How could she be this wet? She is even wearing one of those overnight super diapers….I thought. Fortunately, I was the one that got her to change her…and this is the part I didn’t even admit to the other inhabitants of the car…she was not wearing a diaper. Nope, when I had changed her over an hour ago at the scary dirty gas station, I never put a diaper back on her. So, she was wet and her seat. No wonder the baby couldn’t be consoled with anything! Not saying a word to anyone I took off her outfit, put on a sleep diaper, and let her run around the parking lot with the family…trying to wear her down.
The two ladies that were inside the gas station come out with this big stick and a clipboard (from what I understand it measures the gas). They go out, place the stick down this hole, and light up a cigarette each. Now, I’ve never smoked, but I like to read…and I’ve pumped gas. I believe there is a serious sign at every gas station everywhere explaining that you should not have matches, flames, cigarettes, etc. near gasoline. Well, I guess they didn’t read. They continued to measure the gas, chit chat, and smoke. My father in law said, “Um…that just doesn’t look safe, maybe we should step back a bit.” I wonder about some people in the world sometimes.
At my request, we stop at a rest stop and I run in to go potty. As I enter, I hear a chorus of crickets. I think oh, that’s neat…it reminds of growing up in the country. I go in the stall and I see probably twenty crickets in the corner. I literally made a break out of that stall with my pants half way down…quickly finished my business in another stall far away, washed my hands and ran out of there. As I busted open the door, I hit a poor man innocently walking by. I apologized profusely, but he still walked by rubbing his forehead. I’ll never think of that cricket sound quite the same again.
Mama Drama Rule #35: Forgetting a baby’s diaper and putting her in a car seat on a road trip will result in a wet seat and an upset baby…check for the obvious when you’re baby is upset…why haven’t I learned this yet?!
The last part is tomorrow...did we get into the condo without a key? Did we even make it to Florida?!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Oh, the Joys of Car Trips with Kids! Part 1
Part 1
I have to be honest and say I didn’t even share a couple of these slipups with family that drove down to the beach with us because it was just so ridiculous. We decided to enjoy our long weekend and take my husband’s parents down to Sandestin with the kids. It would be a quick weekend, but we would have two full days to enjoy the beach and relish in the end of the summer weather. We loaded the car, ate dinner before we left to save on time, and packed in the kids. I had each girl a backpack with car toys to keep them occupied. Each one also had a lunchbox with snacks. Also, they had small televisions to watch, which is an extra special treat…and would hopefully keep them occupied. I even went on to secretly wish that they would spend the majority of the trip sleeping since we left at seven. Now, we live minutes from Atlanta, and this weekend was a big weekend that most Georgians just live for…race weekend. The traffic was ridiculous. It took us two and a half hours to go 60 miles on I-85….just pain-staking barely moving traffic. So, now we are just a short 60 miles from our home…the girls are still awake because we were stopping and going so much. The lull of the car movement, which was not happening due to the traffic, was what I was hoping for to nod them both off to dreamland.
My husband abruptly turns off the braves’ game, mutters a word I will pretend like I didn’t hear, and exclaims that he forgot the key…the key to the condo. Now, we have been in the car with his parents, the two children for over two hours…have barely made any progress…traffic is horrible going both directions…and he realizes that neither one of us remembered the key. Hmmm…what to do now? Our only option is to turn around and head the other direction facing traffic again going back toward home. I call my dad to see if he happens to have an extra key SOMEWHERE anywhere at the condo. The head maintenance does, but we will be arriving after midnight…if we are lucky the way things are going. Of course, maintenance will not be there. We are out of luck. About half an hour later, he calls and says he has talked security into TRYING to see if they can get into maintenance for the key. It’s a fifty fifty shot. Well, we’ve gone about 6 miles in forty minutes so we opt to take the gamble. We get off and head BACK the other direction. Off we head for our condo…without a key. All we are armed with is the head of security’s name and number.
We continue to drive and traffic opens up a bit. We have a stop to stretch our legs, get a snack, and encourage the girls to rest. It’s about 11 pm. My Little Bit is walking around the store looking at everything. I didn’t want to carry her so she could get some energy out too. She bends down looks under a display and picks up a ‘woman hygiene’ item…seriously. It was wrapped in its packaging, but I’m still horrified that she randomly finds something…how in the world I don’t know…and is touching it. I quickly germ x her hands and pick her up. We go potty, rack up on snacks, and get ready to load back up. We found some random little kittens, and of course, LaLa and I had to feed them half of our snacks before we got in the truck... Finally, as you know, a stop with two little ones takes thirty minutes. We finally get in the truck. The girls fall asleep…yeah! Unfortunately, we have to stop for gas. They wake up as soon as the car stops…despite how we tried to leave everything running.
Mama Drama Rule #34: Sometimes you can focus on being TOO prepared that you are actually UNprepared! The focusing takes over rather than the preparing!
There is more craziness of our car trip. I had to break it apart because it was SO long! Part 2 is tomorrow.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Honoring a Mama's TRUE Labor Day
That’s what Labor Day should be about! Feature labor stories, reflect and remember what mamas go through to bring these wonderful little beings in the world. We should have parades honoring all mamas that have labored physically through a birth or emotionally through adoption…labor is labor. We could have t-shirts made with our “war stories”. “I labored 26 hours and had a 8 pound baby.” “I labored 6 hours, pushed for 1 and still had to have my stomach ripped open by a c-section.” “I was on bed rest for three months and had healthy twins.” “I longed for a baby for 2 years and then waited 28 months before my adoption went through.” See, you are starting to love the idea. It’s a sign of honor…just like veterans where memorabilia from the wars they fought in. We’d walk around each other reading our shirts and giving high fives. Since we are creating this Labor Day, we mine as well add gifts into the mixed. Mother’s day is to honor mothers for all they do and all they mean to us. Labor Day is strictly to focus on what you accomplished to make a family. I am going to try to slide this one in on my husband and see what he thinks about it. If you are a male reading this, let me just tell you what kind of bonus points you could get with any mama with this concept…a card, flowers, or a small gift with this idea…and you would be overwhelmed with the points you would rack up! Feel free to take the credit and reap the reward!
Well, even if we can’t convince America or the world that we are focusing on the wrong thing on the “official” labor day…rather than the ACTUAL labor that mamas’ everywhere have endured, we can hug our babies, no matter how big or old they are, and pat ourselves on the back & give a fellow laborer a high five because it was truly worth the labor.
Happy Labor Day to all of you mamas.
Mama Drama Rule #34: Labor is unexplainable despite how we try to explain it. It is the worst pain, unbelievable miracle, and trauma to one’s body, yet it is often quickly forgotten once that baby is placed in your arms. The reward definitely outweighs the effort. This is what all soon-to-be mamas need to hear more than our labor stories.
I have had internet and blogging withdrawals while being away at the beach. I have to pass on the story of how our drive went down to Florida. It is something out of one of those old comedies…my husband compared it to a Chevy Chase vacation movie. I wondered at times if I was on Candid Camera, and I know that God definitely has a sense of humor because the experience was hilarious and ridiculous all at the same time. I’ll share it tomorrow, but be prepared to laugh and just shake your head in disbelief.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Where is my peace?
Phil. 4:7
Then God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.
Colossians 3:15
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.
John 14:27
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
Helen Keller
Unless we form the habit of going to the Bible in bright moments as well as in trouble, we cannot fully respond to its consolations because we lack equilibrium between light and darkness.
Mama Drama Rule #33: Although the skies may look cloudy, a sunny day is just around the next corner!