My sweet baby is four. FOUR. Four. Yes, four. Maybe if I keep saying it, it will click in my mind. I somewhat want to cry because she is my sweet baby...not a four year old! Part of me is so excited that she is four! I'm thirty...and my baby is four. Man, I need Prozac, seriously. My brain cannot wrap around those concepts.
Anyway, my mom (Mimi) started the tradition of taking LaLa to American Girl (AG) for her birthday last year. LaLa got the bitty baby and the bed...this baby is known as Lily in our house. Now my hubby insisted that no doll was worth that amount of money, and that they wouldn't know the difference between a dollar store baby and an AG baby. Well, they do...even Little Bit. She loves the dollar babies too, but Lily is the only baby in our house that is consistently played with. She even has a name...and clothes on half of the time!
Of course, I am not sure my mom knew what a monster she was creating in starting this tradition because my LaLa is in love with all things AG. They send this catalog regularly (smart people, huh). It is addressed to her and very kid-friendly. You look at it and just FEEL like your AG baby needs it ALL! I'm an adult, and I look at that dang catalog and feel pity for poor Lily that she doesn't have the latest high chair or bunk bed set or new spring outfit! We have, however, kept it a bday tradition only...fortunately!
On the first trip, we braced ourselves for the long drive and had no idea what we were in store for! My mom and I felt like kids again. We took both of my girls, and it was a blast. If you haven't been, go! The experience is worth it! You don't have to buy a thing, but you will. They do have babies to loan for the bistro experience. They have this little bistro, and your little girl will be treated like a mommy, a princess, and a mini little lady!
This year, my BIG four year old, daughter wanted to take her 'bestestestestests' friend. She insisted that this was not a day for it was a bad word or something. Poor, Little Bit! When she turns three, she will get her turn though! So, my friend, Brooke, and I traded children. I took her oldest (LG which is 5 months younger than LaLa) and LaLa. She had my Little Bit and her little one (5 months older than Little Bit). We couldn't have planned our babies any better! Their ages work out great! Once again, a year later...right before LaLa's fourth birthday, my mom, LG, LaLa, and I head up to AG store and bistro. It was a great day full of memories that both girls talk about all the time! My mom lets LaLa choose her birthday gift and treats her to a girls' lunch!
Of course, we had to get them matching little outfits and bows. The little girls get all "cutified" at the bistro. Your doll can get her ears pierced or hair fixed too. I'm serious!
Right before we left, I snapped a quick shot of the girls posing and displaying all of their loot!

LaLa chose the twin bitty babies and the double stroller for her present. She thought for days...and days....on a name. She wanted them to rhyme. She makes everything rhyme right makes me laugh when they happen to be a "non-repeatable" word. It starts out, "mommy, what rhymes with duck?" This is usually motivated by the ducks and geese around our lake. Anyway, back to the twins. She came up with three options...Charlotte (she wanted one to look like her with her name) and Scarlett, and Harlot...guess which two I persuaded her to stick with? So, Scarlett and Charlotte enjoyed their birthday crowns while LaLa ordered to the waitress off their mini menus for her babies. See the cute little highchairs they provide?! They also talk to the babies and serve them real food. LaLa and LG both explained to the waitress that their babies had allergies...french fries and peanuts. Oh, the things they learn at preschool!

Surprise! They brought out cake, ice cream, a special, secret surprise from Mimi and Gumpy (grandparents) and goody bags! LG and her baby Kristen are so excited about the cake! Oh, four candles!

I'm so glad that my sweet baby is so excited. Her mimi (which my family calls mafia mama because she has secret mysterious powers and we're all a little scared of all five feet of her!) somehow found SUGAR. SUGAR is that little fur ball of a dog that LaLa is holding. It has been backordered since the day it became available on AG. I have looked on ebay and everywhere for that little thing. They secretly brought out the unexpected gift during the cake. It was 20 dollars. I could have bought a real dog for that! Then, you have to buy the dog's accessories seperately. Yeah, that part is a scam. I'm telling you though...AG is addictive. I emphasize to you though...I didn't buy it. The dolls, yes. They are totally worth it. The bistro, yes. The fur ball yorkie...not so much! My mom will tell you, though...LaLa was ecstatic. That smile stayed for days and days. That dog is still treated like a real maybe it was worth it...maybe. I just don't get the attraction!
So, Sugar, Scarlett (she wanted two t's like her name) and baby Charlotte all joined our family! Those are some Southern names!
You may look at this picture and say, "That looks like trouble! 2 girls in a mall with strollers." Well, you'd be right!
People, please watch your ankles and be ready to jump out of the way FAST. On the elevator up, LG announced to a very crowded elevator that her baby had a stinky diaper. She asked random people if they smelled that poopy baby! Fortunately, people (even the hit and run victims) oohed and aahed over their cuteness. LaLa and LG thought they were big stuff and acted as such the entire stroll.
Of course, we have to visit the merry go round.
A fairy tale day for two sweet little ladies!
Just have to show this more time!
This was right by the door on our way out to the car.
Sweet girls!