Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Day with Daddy=Fun for the Girls & A LOT of work for ME!

When is the last time you left the kids home with daddy for an extended amount of time?
Well, I did last Saturday...What did it cost me?

A MESSY Playroom...I can't even see the floor! A huff, puff, and sigh from mommy & several minutes cleaning and re-organizing...asking myself why I even label their cubbies and boxes.

An art project involving a lot of paper on the floor...mommy on her hands and knees picking up paper and discovering random object colored with crayons in our house. Can you say unsupervised toddler with crayons????

A FORT in the dining room...AGAIN...more work for mommy and convincing my kids that we cannot keep a fort over our table forever.  By the husband assured me this was NOT a fort. It is the pony palace. It's difficult to take a 30 something man defending his fort as the pony palace.

A fun dinner...a messy kitchen and a sink full of dishes.

A night with daddy and his girls.....priceless.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

It definitely does look like they had an awesome time with Daddy! :) I'm very impressed with the healthy dinner hubby would have gone to McDonald's!