I had to share the easiest snack/dessert that I think I have ever made! I saw this in a magazine, and I thought...oooh, that looks yummy. Now, if I would've known how easy it is to make, I would have made this long ago and really impressed myself! I actually wish that my husband hadn't seen me create these yummy masterpieces because it totally lost some awesome points when he witnessed just how simple it was!
The ingredients you need are as follows: large marshmallows, large pretzel rods, chocolate semi-sweet bark, sprinkles. Now, I know there are several alternatives to this recipe. This is just the EASY one that I discovered and loved out of a magazine (I can't remember where!)
You melt a few pieces of chocolate bark. I added a little bit of crisco upon my brother's suggestion, but the recipe didn't call for it. I simply took three pieces and melted it for 30 seconds on high (the same directions as on the box). I stirred it and microwaved another 10 seconds, stirred again, and continued this cycle until it was thoroughly melted and smooth. Then, I (with LaLa's help) put the marshmallows on the pretzel rods. (I've heard you can zap the marshmallows for a few seconds and the go on the sticks easier, but I honestly did not have any problems.) LaLa did push the marshmallow a little too hard onto the rod, and we had a couple break. I suggest being careful or having extra rods if you have little hands helping. Little Bit took care of the broken pretzel rods anyway! Then, you swirl the marshmallow into the chocolate until it's evenly coated. Next, you roll it in sprinkles or pour them over the chocolate covered marshmallow. TADA, you're finished! You can put them pretzel side in a cup or on a piece of wax paper to harden. I also put them in the fridge for about ten minutes so they would be ready for our dessert!
We enjoyed them that night for dinner. Then, we saved some for our picnic at the zoo the next day. For the most part, my girls, finally, had the opportunity to wear their cute outfits...without jackets...at the zoo! I was determined! My favorite part of this recipe was how proud LaLa was that she accomplished yummy treats! She told her daddy a dozen times that she and mommy made the dessert. We make a lot of things in the kitchen together, but this was one item that she could make almost all by herself. I just had to get the chocolate ready and set it all out. Usually, when I am in the kitchen, I constantly find myself clearing everyone out. It's usually because I'm in that critical crunch time in the afternoon/evening trying to get it all done and make dinner on top of it! I'm learning though that if I have to be in the kitchen anyway that I really need to take the opportunity to share it and make it a valuable time for my children. I try to find at least one task that they can do...even Little Bit. It makes them feel a part of the family and appreciated once the finished product is complete!
I love easy, fun, child friendly, yummy, and impressive recipes!:)
Mama Drama Rule #64: Get your children involved in the kitchen! They feel so proud to see the final product. In addition, the experience builds memories and life skills they can use as adults! Most importantly, we all have to spend time in the kitchen as mamas...why not use some of that time in the kitchen to spend with our children too. If it's comfortable and enjoyable now, it may open doors of conversation and bonds of friendship as they grow older! Although my mom started me very young helping bake cakes and special recipes, cooking with mom is still one of my favorite things to do...especially during holidays.
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