Now, just how far is a mama to encourage a child's creativity? One can read a multitude of research that discusses the negative effects of suppressing a child's creativity and imagination, but when you are faced with the dilemma of letting your three year old leave the house like this...would insisting she change and not look like an escaped crazy person be the definition of suppressing her creativity and independence?
We battle regularly...well, over everything between the real world and the world of LaLa. Now, my husband and I are going to a kingdom family class on parenting...which is wonderful and informative, and from what I understand...you should not battle over anything, but your word as a parent should just be the way it is. Now, this is wonderful theoretically, but it's the reality of that fact that made my husband and I simultaneously glance at each other when we heard this in class. Surely, other parents of creative, independent (or stubborn...according to how you look at it!), and testing preschoolers know what I am talking about!
Our biggest battles are self-control, going and staying in HER bed & sleeping in general, being quick to obey (I find myself saying it over and over.), and exerting her independence--such as picking a snack, dressing herself, or getting in the carseat. I love her new found independence, but they often take SO long. Honestly, I need more patience, and we are often running late to wherever we need to be...which seems to make her move even slower when she knows this fact!
So, with this battle in particular of letting her pick out what she was going to wear today...and yes, I did the whole thing of pick between these two outfits and allowed her to have input. Then, as I was packing the bags and dressing Little Bit...and THINKING LaLa was getting dressed herself...this is the way she comes downstairs ready to be on our way. At this point, I think I just laugh, try not to make eye contact with strangers while we are out, and thank God that her preschool does have uniforms--at least the people she goes to school with won't see this side of her!
Mama Drama Rule #61: Realize that the classes and the books have great suggestions. Some of those ideas and concepts will work most of the time for most children, but be prepared to say that those books, that class, and that research....JUST HAS NOT EVER MET MY CHILD! Then, throw out the books for the moment, and do your best!
I love her outfit! My Sweet Girl has done the same thing before and I cringed but let her wear it. I finally came to the conclusion that it matters more to her to wear the outfit she came up with one her own than other people thinking I dressed her like that. :)
We missed Lala at ballet on Tues!
She's funny to say the least! You are completely right...it's hard to remember that when people are staring at me...not her!:) She did wear it, and she did wear it proud!
We missed ya'll too. We were all ready and were surprised to find that our car battery was dead! Never a dull moment, huh?
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