Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Mama's Dilemma: Is a shower a priority?

Well, I was considering this morning...just what is a shower worth to a mama?

It's quite a juggling act to figure out just how to get a shower. Now, I'm not talking about a shower where you jump in and out and probably have suds still on have to leave the shower curtain or door open to view children and freeze in the meantime.
I'm talking about a complete and effective shower. One where you actually get to wash your hair, shave, and actually feel the water. Well, I believe those opportunities are few and far between if you have young children.

Options to try to get a wonderful shower...with kids...

1. Get up really early before anyone else...with the knowledge that you will be tired the rest of the day...and miss out on sleep.

2. Take a shower after everyone is in bed...again the sleep issue. A mama has to consider...hmmm..what is more important to me? Sleep or Shower? Me, personally, I'd rather be the stinkiest, dirtiest mama on the block and get a little more sleep!

3. Baby proof your room and let them play in your room while you shower...they will find something that is not baby proof and every two minutes you will hear various concerning noises.

4. Leave them in their bed or crib while you take a shower. I can't concentrate on the shower because they are usually miserable on this, LaLa learned to climb out of her crib at 18 months. I try not to give Little Bit any extra opportunity to practice that one!

5. Put in a movie. This is my normal route, but it is only effective for about 10 minutes so wait until you are actually about to get in the shower to start the movie. I can usually get at least one happy and involved in the movie...but the other one will still be fussing.

6. Put them in their rooms. I have friends that do this, but my kids aren't normal. They are too mischievous and creative for their own goods, and I guarantee this option would result in a emergency room visit or some sort of property damage.

7. Use a exersaucer or playpen to trap them nearby. This is another option that I often employ, but it only works for the younger ones, and even then, it doesn't last long at all. Then, your older ones may still escape...or better yet, teach the younger one on how to get out!

8. Put them in your empty tub (if you have a big tub and if your shower is separate) with toys. I have a friend that mentioned this one. I haven't tried it, but if it works, go for it.

9. When daddy is home, take a wonderful, long shower to make up for all the ones that were cut short and that you have missed. Lock the door, turn up music (to drown out the noise from your family), and shower....again, I think I'd nix the shower and take a quick nap!

10. Just give up on the shower until your kids are older.

Yeah, you may be dirty and stinky, but in the grand scheme of things, in this season of your have to prioritize what is most important to you! For me, sleep wins every time. Right now, I'm trying to convince myself that I should go clean my house, but again, a quick nap while my preschooler is at school and my Little Bit is sound asleep...just sounds so good! I'll just pull my hair back and put on some work out clothes on those days that I just can't indulge in a glorious shower. At least, then, people will think I have been healthy conscious and hard at work slaving away at the gym!

Mama Drama Rule #48: Each and every day, we have to prioritize what's most important to accomplish that best benefits our family. It so funny how your priorities change after children!


Brooke said...

funny!! I totally agree with you though! Love your's so cute! I look forward to reading what happens next in your mama drama!

JessRN said...

Yep, the shower Since I am a list person, it has to go on my daily list as something to accomplish that day--if I don't write it down, sometimes I forget. No, has happened!

Kt said...

This is so true!
I try to get a shower at least a couple of times a week during my sons naptime. but i am likely to forget too because i have so many more interesting things to do during naptime like take my own nap or read a book!